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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by KlingKlang

  1. Is it just my connection or is www.amazon.co.jp down this morning? have to check something and it not been working since early on
  2. I'm sure I've heard that before actually - I think it's been around a while, and is actually authentic. I am better than that. I'm not as rich as him.
  3. I wish there was a few more levels (esp between 3 and 2, and 2 and 1)
  4. I think so too, but I had a similar experience. They only accepted it after a LOT of fuss and asked me to try to put the Japanese on if possible. Kuroneko it was.
  5. Looking forward to this one. Anyone seen it?
  6. My Japanese ain't too good, but looking at them it looks like you can on certain days get there and a lift ticket for less than the normal price of the shink return trip. Is that right?
  7. Or maybe even lying down.. as I think the case may be. I'm not into the modern look. I prefer a classy looking lady with long black hair and not orange (hair or skin).
  8. Not as much as from a moden to ADSL of course but when you download a lot you can notice it And the difference in cost is almost nothing as well
  9. In business, what happens when you REALLY REALLY feel this way. Can you distinguish between a tatemae osewa ni narimasu and a real osewa ni narimasu??
  10. Incredible. In the summer I was contemplating going to Phi Phi this new year holiday. I'm sure glad I didn't now. Has there ever been anything that strong on land?
  11. I wonder what Freddie would think.
  12. But lets face it it has to be better than Disney. Anyone been to Disney Sea? Whats that then?
  13. I must not look like a cocaine-fiend. I have never seen or been offered it in Roppongi or anywhere else in Japan.
  14. So what are the things to do on a Christmas Eve evening then? Go to Odaiba?
  15. Roads still don't seem very, er, white http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/webcam/nagano/hakuba-road1.html
  16. Looks great. I like the member pages too, much nicer. Definitely keep one of these things going once the goddam snow decides to arrive.
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