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Everything posted by KlingKlang

  1. I wonder what kind of saddo actual shells out for that!!
  2. Whats the snow like over there? I often hear of France & Switzerland but less of Italy.
  3. How long are you gonna be there Plucky? Another fan of the pics
  4. Horie running for election? That bloke doesn't seem to be able to sit still for a minute. -- Kamei's candidacy is grabbing attention all the more because Takafumi Horie, president of ambitious Internet service Livedoor Co. is running as an independent from the same district. Horie supports Koizumi's postal privatization plan, although he is not running on an LDP ticket. "Postal privatization is the first step to reforms," Horie said in Onomichi. "I am fighting politicians who tried to postpone these reforms."
  5. Can someone tell explain to me the apparent appeal of used underwear?
  6. Not bad hey http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/4197640.stm "A movie producer earned $168m (£94m) from The Lord of the Rings films even though he did not work on the trilogy, trade paper Variety has reported. Saul Zaentz got the payout from film studio New Line because he bought the rights to JRR Tolkien's books in 1976."
  7. Don't know about best but there is one worst. Caught in a blizzard, early Feb. It just was not fun - and I paid for it!! Wasn't a happy camper that day.
  8. the new 2cd live Kraftwerk, Minimum Maximum. Looking forward to the live DVD as well to see all their wild on-stage moves and antics.
  9. I (Heart Shape) Huckabees - worth it for the quirkiness. Heat
  10. http://www.emirecords.co.uk/players/kraftwerk/player2/kraftwerk_player.html New double 'live' ( ) cd out now - great stuff. There's a track from Tokyo on there too.
  11. I presume the courses are pretty much straight lines there? Anyone got any good vid of one of these dudes doing their stuff, sounds incredible.
  12. I do not want to count. I never do with money that has gone, what's the point. I'll just remember. I had been saving all my 1,2,5,10,100 yens for the last few years. I took them to the bank the other day and came out with just under 60000 yen. Very happy about that.
  13. I'll be going as well. I want to see those robots playing trumpets. (Actually it might be more to do with the fact that someone got me tickets)
  14. They're selling some 1 day tickets again this year. Bad idea that was last year.
  15. I don't wish for anyone to be dead, but I do with I didn't have to hear about it in great detail like this.
  16. The best way to save money on aircon would be to just turn the thing down a bit and don't have it blasting out at -10 degrees like they do, it's just overkill.
  17. Here you go the website gamera found have pods http://www.paocoffee.co.jp/podo.html
  18. Just got it, I plan on starting the adventure this coming weekend. (Which section are you playing in bobby12?)
  19. Just got it, I plan on starting the adventure this coming weekend. (Which section are you playing in bobby12?)
  20. ...or maybe not! What exactly is swing dancing anyway?
  21. It would be good to have some sort of ranking system on rakuten (if they don't already do, but I haven't seen it) so people could voice these concerns. Like they have on Marketplace on amazon.
  22. So, how was this last weekend anyone? Snow any good where you were?
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