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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. I'm having a grinchy christmas this year - broker than a broke thing. Usually it is about $6-700 - for gifts for family and friends
  2. hey! where is Mars Volta from?? Are we talkin HEAVY metal(Pantera) or???
  3. do you clip your nose hairs?? how frequently?
  4. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: That was also a survey for New Zealand. And were in Japan so... ...so dream on. Japanese chicks really like guys with beards....whateva!
  5. But it must be true! I read it on Stuff - a reliable news source!
  6. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: > I Have to disagree with the latter part. At one company I worked with there was a really sexy, flirty girl who was always giggling at my jokes Sounds like a very polite young lady....
  7. Quote: Originally posted by .stoke.: I need to hop on the live steed You normally hop on dead ones? Tally-ho ho ho
  8. Quote: Originally posted by crazyski: back to the beards...i got a headstart, i think. last time shaving was saturday night, i think. heheheh. then you might be outta luck with the ladies... according to this... http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2760267a10,00.html
  9. actually smartasz....was hoping someone might offer some advice on it
  10. Madras and Electronic punch sound pretty damn good! will have a go with those this w'end!
  11. I was gonna be cheeky and put a pic up...but i cant figure out how to do it so....
  12. Quote: Originally posted by r45: I dunno they can look kinda cute. yeah if you're 2!
  13. especially ....when you are out in a small town, very early in the am(walking home fr pub)..... the fat flakes seem to blanket everything in a peaceful silence beautiful.
  14. They sing "Heaven" and "Lightning Crashes" http://www.friendsoflive.com/albums.php
  15. I've been stock piling my airpoints for a very long time....so i do have a reasonable amount....HOWEVER...ahhhhemmm....the inflation on freekin Airpoints is ridiculous!!
  16. I am so bummed....I am missing LIVE this week who are playing in Auckland... *sniff sniff* " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> Anybody seen them? Any good??
  17. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: the big issue that we were given to believe was the object of this hunt. My point exactly. Capturing Saddam is all very well and good(very good), but it also provides a good way for Bush and Blair to move the magnify glass a wee bit. Focusing the masses attention on how terrible Saddam makes the general pop feel the invasion was justifiable. If he is tried in the US, imagine the press coverage! - and the cover-ups. Bush would have complete control over the whole thing!
  18. And now Bush wants to try him in the US for warcrimes so they can kill him.......funny that. It's pretty hard to talk when dead.
  19. Quote: Originally posted by cal: The Oscars are a bunch of crap anyway. Ditto on that one!
  20. Sounds like a great place! For fellow canadains and fans of south park, proper pronunciation is: Fuk-u-okeh?
  21. then there were those of us who would get so caught up in the spirit of christmas that we'd get alittle ahead of ourselves and end up finishing the calander 2 weeks early....
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