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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. for the tie perfectionists...courtesy of the Toque-man's website (via)
  2. something that doesn't look like it took too much effort.... always been preferable to blonds but ended up with guys with brown or black hair...go fig
  3. I KNEW IT!!! Fig'd you'd come clean one day bout your "cheesey-please-me" fetish cheeseman.
  4. Quote: Originally posted by enderzero: [/QB] What are the positives that come from it? Taking poor girls from Chiang Mai and bringing them to Roppongi? Come on. [/QB] couldn't have said it better myself! thanks endz !!
  5. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: sweetaz, some nice logic going on there. So all prostitutes are 'girls' are they? It's entirely a men abusing women thing is it then? So everybody in other trades are all ecstatic about being there are they? So there's no choice involved for anyone then? Y thank you O11 i thought so. Majority are women...i think you'd be on your own to think otherwise. I can't speak for everyone - but i suspect the jobs they have definately preferable to prositution. Don't you think that was a bit of a weak arguement O11?? come on. "So any conside
  6. nice one db, very well put. i think what also has to be considered is how the girl feels about it?? Just because there are prostitutes does not mean that is thier prefered vocation. Perhaps this should also be factored into the equation while justifying it? However one could argue that there has and always will be prostitues(because there is a need), therefore there is nothing i personally can do to change this fact - not that most men would want to anyhoo. Also...saying that I've made the "choice" to use one - I think is really a cheap excuse.
  7. Quote: Originally posted by xxx: Er, look at some porn, perhaps? Well, obviously i've looked at the wrong sort... since you seem to have an opinion on the subject thought you could point me in a more educated direction??
  8. sorry..but where the hell is the fun in that?? imagine if it short circuted?!?! could make for interesting bored meetings!
  9. Pacifier(Shihad) - saw them just recently in a little venue and they rocked out!!! Billy Joel was magic. (that was like 12yrs ago) Bryan Adams was bloody great too....saw him earlier this year. Robbie Williams was very average.
  10. ok.... so what would you suggest??
  11. from what i've seen -albiet limited....it's pretty bloody hilarious!!
  12. hullo shimba! add another chick to the list! (me) i'm learnin to board but when i cant keep up i ski! lol i'm not yet in j-land so count me there in spirit!!
  13. hey stumpa...thanks for your wisdom...as I too am in the same boat as plucky at the moment. All pretty sound advice i reckon! I'll b checkin out a vew-do board!
  14. shimba, I'm pretty sure the cut off is for Canadian wk Visas is mid February. It's first come first serve. Red Mountain is supposed to be good. Not as commercial as Whistler but huge powder. Actually if you speak Japanese, you should get a job EASY at Banff or Lake Louise ski areas. There's about 4 fields within about a 1hr radius. It is virtually all owned by Japanese and attracts alot of j tourists. Plus it is close to Calgary!!
  15. Quote: Originally posted by mikazooki: your nipples are not the colour of plums How do you know what colour they are mika?? davo...that's just gross.
  16. the toques i wore as a child must'ha squeezed my head too tight....i didn't follow any of that.
  17. Ya eh! Take off eh?! http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/9134/
  18. i saw that story too....and wondered....how the hell would they police that?! Sounds like 'chilli and pepper' aren't the only type of crabs you can get in singapore!
  19. LOL!! Believe me...i'm not one to get into it...but some are...just curious to see what peeps think?!
  20. thanks davo ...that gives me a much better idea. i've sort of changed tact and am now looking at doing an mba(if i get in)...16 papers..it's supposed to take a year and a half full time. sounds pretty intense.. so i am dithering about. ecom-law..nice! painful but nice!
  21. Bachelor of Commerce & Administration Davo....if you don't mind me asking ...how long should your diploma take if full time? and how long has it taken you pt?
  22. Motivational or inspirational books, vids, tapes ....the list goes on. Do you get into it? Has it dramatically effected your life? Or do you lap it up and then gradually let the 'phase' fade away....
  23. wish i could have commented earlier today on the Aus vs AB's game...but i've been out Aussie hunting all day... " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />
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