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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by merryJim

  1. I love watches, got about 5 myself. That one looks interesting, a bit pricey though.
  2. No, I had enough nightmares trying to pass exams when I were younger. No more of that thank you very much.
  3. I'm getting tons of email over the last few days about orgys and similar. Is this the new thing? Anyone else? Or has all my surfing habits brought them to me somehow...
  4. There may be technical reasons why a 2 word password is not ok. Is there (anyone)? I often wonder why that is necessary. Maybe it is to stop people moaning if they are broken into. Because people always moan about everything don't they?
  5. How come enderzero - something amazing going to be in it?
  6. Ocean11 - explain that one will you? Got me there.
  7. Great isn't it. I love it too, not too sure about that cheese idea though
  8. Mr Beard. Great name. I used to have a friend called Mr Mister.
  9. It must be catching on, there have been lots of trees cut down or servery pruned off around my area too.
  10. I get the idea that quite a few people on here sacrifice on the comfort to get their snow thrills in winter. By that I mean sleeping in cars, rough, or real cheap places and maybe travelling on a slow train overnight. Thats instead of staying in more comfort and travelling by car or shink whatever. Both fine of course, but how much do you sacrifice?
  11. Dutch does sound very cool, although I'm not too sure of your claim there nekobi about it sounding like English.......
  12. Agree with you there pedro, but our friend was probably just trying to cause a fuss I like the plans, think they look fairly good.
  13. Surely no-one who was going to vote for him anyway will not do so now they hear that. What, they been living under a rock or what??
  14. No, but it looks like that will be a good 'policy' in itself
  15. Mine was infected for a short period, then I quickly got it fixed. I am getting a lot of junk too at the moment. Where will it all end?
  16. I found a cockroach in my shower room last night - first time ever. Hate them things.
  17. Kintaro, why are you so angry and abusive? Have a difficult childhood? Having a difficult life? You need to chill out a bit.
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