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Everything posted by merryJim

  1. I can't stand them. I try to do an English "New York New York" if I am forced.
  2. Captain Stag - that thing about meaning you are parked. . is that an accepted thing or just what you are observing other people doing??
  3. I hate to even bring myself to reply to the fool, but.... informercials for what exactly???
  4. I didn't see all the wild colors early on. Looks pretty similar to how it was to begine with. I don't mind the border, looks 'solid'.
  5. Nope, going for holidays. I saw it too.
  6. I noticed quite a difference in just normal usage as well, I think my slower connection was crap there was something wrong with it. It improved noticeably when I got faster.
  7. Oh well, back to work tomorrow. Sad. It always sucks going back to work after a fair few days off.
  8. I've been reading through these the last week or so - excellent new addition to the site. Well I know lots of the journals were there already but I had never really read them as it wasn't very easy to. The new layout and system is really good, making it easy to read it all.
  9. I don't think there are any really close nearby. May be wrong.
  10. Don't know about other people but when I was young at Christmas we had sacks under the tree and a stocking at the bottom of our beds when we woke up. The stocking got opened as soon as I woke up - full of chocolates and other small things. Then we went downstairs together to open up all the 'main' presents.
  11. Good one that. Going for around 20,000-24000 yen now.
  12. Quote: The Queen's Speech Whats that then? As in the good old UK Queenie? What does she say?
  13. Funny how first thing on the 25th Dec and all the decorations seem to have suddenly disappear from shops etc. When do they take them down, the middle of the night? Perhaps Santa takes then when he's doing the rounds.
  14. I don't mind tororo at all - well I didn't. The image has been somewhat changed since reading this.
  15. Went to Hodaigi last season - really surprised. Fairly small place but great snow and no crowds at all.
  16. They look good - very long. Mine are not long enough. Must get some new ones.
  17. That must have been very annoying. I don't have that much experience with taxis here, but when I have they seem to be generally friendly. Too expensive though - are they not allowed to set their own prices or something?
  18. Quote: restaurants today, after all, are considered a form of theater Anyone know of any good ones where I can experience something like this??
  19. I liked them - especially the 2nd one. First half might have been a bit thin on gags. (The commentary is funny too.)
  20. I really hope it snows as well. I also won't regret cancelling though even if it does. Have a good time.
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