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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 97

  1. I want to go NOW. I love theme park and now tall enough for most rides.
  2. I did try internet. Can you find info on giraffes sleeping???? I could not. And thanks db.
  3. I don't like so many ceremony at school.
  4. My family often take part in school and neighbourhood events. I enjoy them.
  5. Hello. I have new school project. We had to choose from many different fun different titles. Mine is sleeping animals. I thought it would be easy - dog and cats and other pets are easy, but I don't know about many wild animal. Silly question maybe, but - do you know some wild animals sleeping position? For example, giraffe or ostrich. What does he do with that big neck, lay it down on his side? Or dear with big horns. etc etc. Sorry for the strange question!
  6. I think it's a really bad idea. Not many of my friends at school smoke, but some do.
  7. We did a project for school trying to take pictures of the snow animals. I got a kamoshika, thats all.
  8. I hope my family stay in Nagoya this winter, but we don't know yet.
  9. Great name! I like Dr Zoidberg best when he does his sideways walk
  10. I must study poetry at school now and I really hate it. What is it for? Why don't they just say what they want to say!
  11. That bottom picture is amazing. How high up is he jumping do you think?
  12. I don't have any money (well not much anyway), so I like free things!
  13. I love summer holidays - no school and go back home! See you in autumn!
  14. Summer holidays! Love it! Although I lost a bag 2 years ago on a flight, nothing important though.
  15. Yes, I love them and my parents buy boxes of them from the FBC every few months. Delicious!
  16. I am well under 20 years old. Soon I will be a teenager.
  17. I want one but will only get on on my birthday as a present from my mum and dad.
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