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Everything posted by slimeypete

  1. The Cat in the hat or whatever it was called with Mike Myers. Utter trash.
  2. Great game. The psp version is awesome too. Good for a flight
  3. Alien vs Predator. Watched it last night - for the laughs. I knew it was supposed to be bad. It's just sad when Aliens 1 and 2 were so good.
  4. I really like watching those keynotes he does, he is just so good at them. That was an interesting read.
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4583342.stm Microsoft boss Bill Gates has made an ambitious pitch to put Windows software at the heart of everything people do. Speaking as the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas opens, Mr Gates talked about Microsoft's plan to remake itself to match digital lifestyles.
  6. Nice pictures there. Photos of snow are great when the sky is blue and the sun out.
  7. Yeah and switching positions I wonder what you'd say to the lecturer if you heard that. A mouthful I'd expect. I don't think I pay anything!?
  8. Probably just a few a day. I find those things pretty tedious for the most part.
  9. I'm partial to Scotland and Ireland accents as well.
  10. Back home our dog once got a bit tipsy on some beer - which he seemed to really like. He just looked goofy for a bit then slept it off.
  11. I remember liking Starsky & Hutch when I was a kid, recently saw an episode from that original series and my it seemed very dated. expected i suppose. The Daisy character is still quite charming though.
  12. I got one the other day and the subject line was: SRGTE RFWEQWAWQDQDWA DASD ASDK ASKD AK SDASD K I kid you not, that is copy/pasted from the mail.
  13. "Bread" does not seem the right word for what they call bread in those sandwiches.
  14. What do all the Japanese think of this? Is it just a "shikata ga nai" thing or what? Everyone hate it but they just put up with it?
  15. Some new pics on this page, was just looking at them: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/hakuba-now.php
  16. I've been having problems with my account on and off since this... anyone else?
  17. Heavy make up never looks good. Funny looking at some 80s dramas on the tv with the clothes, big hair and make up they had. Hopefully the fashion cycle will be long enough for us not to have to go through that again.
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