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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by proudtobegay

  1. He is what the Japanese might call a "half" - Japanese / American.
  2. No, but I wish I could me more open about my relationships.
  3. I haven't bought much in the last few years, and not downloaded either. There isnt much that I hear that excites me at all. Most of my music is from the 70s and 80s.
  4. I am in love, and what a great feeling it is.
  5. I am going to get one, and get rid of my prehistoric CD Walkman!!
  6. I was there the other week and spent a lot! All good prices though. Its definitely worth a trip.
  7. Quote: It's bringing out the gay in me that 21C said was there. Really? It's definitely in there..
  8. Can someone tell my why she is known as "Q chan"?
  9. How about: - being handsome; - good body; - good fashion sense; - good ability to be soulbuddies with females etc
  10. I used to be into John Taylor from Duran Duran.
  11. I have never had a strong accent, so I don't think it has changed all that much.
  12. Someone tried to beat me up once, because I am gay. But he was surprised at how "tough" I was in response.
  13. ...there is no shame. Meaning that when away from home you can do things and behave in ways that you would never do at home. I have heard this saying about the Japanese (isn't it a popular proverb or something), but is it more true for the Japanese than anyone else? Enlighten me please!
  14. Never. I hear that the Japanese men are perfectly well behaved on their trips to Thailand and such places. They can be trusted.
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