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Everything posted by MistaSparkle

  1. Wanna get a sports bike soooo bad. I just don't feel like dropping the required 20man to get a bike license.
  2. The police are really good at pulling over bike riders after dark, and telling them to put lights on their bikes.
  3. Shoganai is such BS.... people say it all the time, but what can you do? shoganai....
  4. great story bm... While smoking has been banned at my J company's office, last year was hell. There were designated smoking areas where most people went to smoke, but a certain few (including the guy sitting directly behind me) decided that he could chain smoke at his desk all day. I would leave work with a sore throat every day, and I got sick a few times (which I never do normally). I wanted to kill the little weasel. After complaining to my manager 3 or 4 times, he finally gave me the old "shoganai" and told me basically the offending party made alot of money for the company so he c
  5. I dig skirts... but I'm not sure if skirts are as flattering to the bum as jeans/pants are... guess it depends on the bum, and the skirt.
  6. how bout this.... I could probably give any non-american a run for their money in an america bashing contest, but in the end it'll be the non-american that gets the anti-american label.....
  7. While it is technically "stealing," I just think that technology has progressed too far for any legislation or uber-pay-service (e.g. apple's new service) to stop free file-sharing networks. The music co's (RIAA) could have done something amazing with mp3's back, even before napster.... but they were too late to the game. They dropped the ball. I have a strong feeling that within the next 5-10 years... the music industry will have no choice but to change it's business model. Revenue will have to come from somewhere other than retail sales. just my2c.
  8. This is a very complicated issue for me. I'm an american, I don't hate america, or american people, but the US has fundamental problems that I can't see as being solved anytime soon. American culture, the government, the economy. I could probably write 10 pages about this... but... I wont.... coz I'm a lazy american.
  9. I definitely noticed the smell... It smells kinda creamier than american milk, and it's way thicker too. mmmmmm creamy milk..... mmmmm....
  10. I dig Momo, and Miki is one of those porn names as well (but "real" chicks do have that name).
  11. Eiko Koike. that's who I was thinking of....
  12. I think that Megumi chick is au naturale. They don't look like plants to me. Plus I don't think implants are that big in japan (and when I say big.. I mean big as in popular ). Theres also that other chick with huge cans, not all that cute facewise, but she's all over tv... I don't know her name. Seems like these girls are one-trick-ponies. More power to em tho...
  13. Goemon: interesting... I think that usage falls into the same category as "something is shit" and "something is the shit" EnderZ: "that girl is balls cute." I'm gonna start using that...
  14. Quote: We concluded that "balls" is always negative (cold as balls, hot as balls = both bad). I guess you have proven us wrong. Upon second evaluation in the use of "balls", we concluded that having balls is good as in: "that car's got balls," or "he/she's got balls," but it's negative to be compared to balls: "It's hot as balls", "This lift is slow as balls". Goemon has introduced a new paradigm to the use of balls where something is (the/da) balls: "Mifune is da balls". I'll open this up for debate... if having balls is good, and being compared to balls is bad.... then what does it mean
  15. I don't think i'm the only person worrying about this... but N Korea has been awefully quiet the last week or so..... do you think they're waiting for things to go down in Iraq before they pull something??
  16. I've been on a enchilada buritto kick lately, but most of the food at 7-11 kicks-ass. The 100yen rack is also full of good stuff.....
  17. what's wrong with the word b l o o d y? That doesn't even begin to qualify as foul language in the states.
  18. okay... now this has happened to me on more than one occasion. It's always bizarre, and equally infuriating.... When used to ride the Hanzomon line everyday after work, there's usually no seats when I get on, so I stand in the little space between the doors and the seat and mind my own business reading a mag or whatever.... When you're standing in that space you end up leaning on the doors, and sometimes there's someone standing on the other side of the doors. This leaves about a foot gap between you and the person on the other side. Every once and a while, some weasel businessman with re
  19. ahhhhhh Bowler!!! you've finally decided to join us eh? "Where e're ye be"!
  20. I dunno where you guys are coming from.... the G is one of the greatest inventions ever.
  21. France\'s answer to America\'s assinine "Freedom Fries" mania I gotta say that's pretty funny (and much more clever than what the US came up with).
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