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Everything posted by neversummer

  1. Does anyone have any links to some good Nth American or European B/C tours. I'm doing some research for work and keep coming up with blanks..
  2. Kamo, you didn't pick Umaga out for the tourney did you?? The pressure will be really on now mate!!
  3. I like his first two but not 'From Dusk till Dawn'. In a sense, it too was a two part movie, the first the family and then the vampires. Loved Cheech's cameo too. I'm looking forward to this, it's been hyped up in the UK. Lets hope it's not all hype like the Matrix Reloaded.
  4. Wes was able to write the music that is synonomus with Limp Bizkit and as Snb Freak mentions, the new guys doesn't do the band justice. I didn't but the new album, maybe I wouldn't have even if Wes was still there, because it lack the polish of the past 2. I think they're going through an identity crisis because their style of music isn't whats winning over the crowds now.
  5. Mr Matthews is right about him not being present for any of the TV debates unless he was given the questions prior to the night/day..and he's totally right about him making ridiculous claims that he can't deliver. But thats the whole thing with politics. Make as many claims as you can to get in and then worry about things later. Isn't that what Reagan/Bush Snr/Clinton/Bush 'W' did? Arnie has an intelligent team assembled behind him, so to speak.
  6. I'm ripping this off a mate but how about a piss-take on the jap-english thing..'Ichiban sagoi and the Gods of Serenity' It has metal/nu-metal written all over it.
  7. I think they may be English. I say think because I've seen some strange advertising around for a band that looks strangly familiar and the name instantly rang out as that band. I could be wrong, for all the English people out there, I hope I am.
  8. I thought the best pies in the world came from Down Under. Haven't had anything special in the UK yet and it was the thing I most craved when I left Japan. Steak and Onion 'Patties' pie from Victoria
  9. Having lived in japan for over 18 months, I'm still not sure which way you're supposed to face when you use a Japanese style toilet. I'm not flexible enough in the joints to squat like a Japanese person so improvisation seems best to me. As for the slippers, I think they're disguisting. When you go to an onsen, hotel, ryokan or whatever you don't know how many festering pairs of feet with planta warts or tinea or some other festy virus/disease are waiting in there to latch onto your feet. I'm with db on this..my shoes are safer than anything else. I know where they've been and that
  10. what a farce is all i have to say..what a farce!!
  11. it's terrible mr matthews that your favourite place on earth to be is in fantasy land..britney's pants...come on
  12. ETA at least 5 years according to the Aussie crew who invented it.
  13. i've seen kangaroo scrotum women's purses and many outback tourist places. when i say outback i mean where you can find kangaroos.
  14. i've been in sheffield for a week and think its deservidly?? not on the list..
  15. its definately not the limp bizkit of old. minus wes, they're half the band they used to be.
  16. used to but havent had a car for over two years so not sure now. loved listening to cruising music..the stuff that makes you relax when your stuck in traffic and not speed when on the highways.
  17. nice read!! Things are even worse with videos today because of digital tech. guys doing 720's 10ft above the lips are being transformed into heights of 15ft or more. it makes kids want to be like that and like Nils implied, its not what snowboarding is all about. i've tried carving several times but its just not woth it in Oz. the runs are not long enough or wide enough to enjoy it properly and in japan there are to many people unless its first thing in the morning. for those out there who havent been to the backcountry, away from all the pipes,parks,hits etc get a crew togethe
  18. i should restate myself..there are plenty of places to go..you just have to find somewhere that suits your needs. i didn't really enjoy the nightlife there myself.
  19. hope im not to late mate.. go to 'shinlin market', its heaps better than snake market, has everything that a market could want except snakes. the city is pretty dead after 12 and dont take a cab without the metre being ON..they will try and rip u off really badly. you can find love hotels for about 700NT and if you go to a hotel dont take their first price. i was there 1 month ago and prices started at 3900NT then quickly dropped to 2800NT then to 1800NT when we said we werent interested. Also, prices are for the room not the person so its best to travel with someone. enjo
  20. ive ben around a bit so ill add a few things. When you take hallucinogens you can alter what you see, or percieve to see. It effect both side of the brain seperately so the left side of the brain allows you to see violent images where the right provides calming and placid images. lie on a bed and put your left ear on the pillow and watch your head go crazy with fast, agressive images and thewn turn it over to the right. the difference is almost instant. i dont know why though. ive only dabbled once in japan, last year NYE, but you can get whatever you want pretty easily, the hardest
  21. currently switching between Groove Armada-Love Box and DJ ANGEL-Angle, a local Japanese Drum n Bass artist. Really good use of samples in his work.
  22. Ive had my fair share of injuries. in 96, ripped the bone off the lower part of my knee, where the ligaments attach, so instead of blowing a medial ligament i just had surgery to glue the bone back. in 97, blew the same bone apart, both whilst landing awkardly. this time i had the bone screwed on. 99, ACL joint in right shoulder. Caught an edge at speed riding fakie and flipped onto it twice, bouncing right onto the point. 00, first day of the season, best season in 40 years, busted my right ankle at 10.00am. ankle plates and pins still there and I dont hit big booters anym
  23. Ive decided to make a visit to Taiwan, cheaper than Okinawa and seems to be more interesting from the reading ive done. What have others experienced?
  24. its good to go home and have people talk to you..i mean gaijin people talk to you in the street. Just a hello or something. In tokyo, no-one says a word, they just catch your eye and look at the road, telephone pole, whatever they can just so they dont have to talk to you. I read in the japan times and article about obesity the other day, comparing french/US foods and sizes. The main point of the article was that the US sizes are so much bigger and people eat what is put on their plate, that US people seem to be more inclined to buy the bigger size because they get 30% more for only
  25. They love me whatever im wearing. blue, black, white, red. I get bitten every night and it annoys the hell out of me. My girlfriend never gets touched by them though.
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