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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by @tokyo

  1. Yes of course people have a right to vent frustrations, I completely know that and I don't think there's much need for 20 people to just write that as it's quite obvious - and it was actually not my point either! My point was that some people come here and live here and seem to do nothing else but complain about everything and anything. I wonder why people who have absolutely nothing positive to say about a place live there. [sounds like I'm complaining now ]
  2. Yes I understand that, but there is a lot of real underlying feelings there I feel........
  3. I just love watching other people do their funky warm up routines while I go out and enjoy 30 minutes more fun than them.
  4. Are you angry with... "Japan"? I only ask because I read through other threads and people dissing whatever whenever they can. Japanese are stupid, authorities are crazy, ambulances are pathetic. Oh yes, and takyubin companies as well. etc etc. And I don't just mean the above, in general people seem to be much more "angry" than not. (And I also don't mean that all the above are not valid frustrating cases either) Is that stressful? And if so, why live here? Just a thought?
  5. Our office donated exactly 0 yen as far as I can tell. Not spoken about either.
  6. Had some chicken thing the other day- wasn't all that bad. Not good, just not that bad. If that makes sense.
  7. Never backed mine up, but thinking now maybe I should!
  8. In answer to the main question. I don't know. Do any of us? It will be interesting to see what the court case turns into though
  9. Still can't get them things easily in the shops.
  10. Thats the old excuse isn't it? I actually had to endure sitting next to a blubberblubber on a flight to the US once and it really was no fun at all. He was spilling over the side of his seat and I felt as if I got a real bad deal - very uncomfortable.
  11. Is it just right wing propoganda, or does this Kerry bloke really change his views on important issues as he pleases (and just as often)?
  12. I use my cc online at least every month - hardly ever go to shops anymore they just seem like hassle
  13. I met the girl of my dreams once, thought she was anyway, but when we kissed for the first time it was AWFUL. Terrible. I will never forget that. I couldnt get over it.
  14. I am taking 2 months to tour parts of Asia this summer, can't wait.
  15. Futon on tatami. Care to see it, echineko?
  16. I hate the brand love that goes on with some people, but only when taken to extremes. I suppose I am loyal to quite a few brands.
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