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Everything posted by nagpants

  1. This guy probably wasn't doing the pointing thing right. Terrible accident.
  2. You can get a bowl of Onomichi ramen in places other than Onomichi (can't you?)
  3. Perhaps they could just re-mix the original and release that. Oh and add a 2nd t-rex in there. The first JP was fun but it soon got tired.
  4. You can always of course (as many people do) use it as an excuse when you either forgot about an important thing or just wanted more time. "What, you sent me an email? I didn't get that. Really sorry. I wonder what could have happened. Deary me. Please resend it and I'll let you know I get it."
  5. My middle name doesn't specify me much. Heck even I forget it sometimes! If I ever have kids, they won't have middle names.
  6. Costly for you then lin coming from over there. For me, I have probably spent about 200,000 including gear and stay etc.
  7. Sorry, that came out wrong! naruhodo = I see cheese = I meant to write cheers. So I was indending to say "I see, cheers!
  8. Yep I've had a few gone missing. Read something about it as well somewhere a while back, a growing problem. More people are following up on mails saying "did you get my email" which is an annoying thing to have to do (and to get - but they'll usually get in the spam bin as well right?) There's one guy I know who never seems to want to write a subject in an email - I bet tons of the mail he sends gets unread.
  9. Tignes: 2700M - 3500M 20KM of slopes Usually opens 16Jun - 09Sep >>> Usually OPENS June-Sept? What about winter months?
  10. I often get crap on my jacket, it's in a bit of a state to be honest. Tons of lifts are real dirty, the sooner that teleporting system gets put into resorts the better.
  11. I doubt they'd do that - they don't allow luggage on without the peeps, right?
  12. I went to Iwappara yesterday in Niigata. I was absolutely AWFUL. I sure would not have wanted to pay for that. Luckily it cost me nothing apart from gas to get there shared with a few friends (had a few free tickets). No thanks.
  13. You're nuts man! I've been "hit on" by a few ojisan wanting to practice English more than a few times.
  14. So what do you reckon about crowds (or lack of them) this season? More, less or the same as last year? I think down again.
  15. Those things look incredible. Can you move about much in them???
  16. Just come back from a week in Hokkaido and I'm absolutely knackered. But well satisfied.
  17. I thought I read that British cooking was enjoying something of a rennaysance (I cant spell it properly so I'll go for that version). Some celeb cooks going round and doing their stuff to upgrade the image.g
  18. I got a book called "Computers for the Aged" and it seemed to do the trick. Just done a quick search but couldn't find it but I think thats what it was called.
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