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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mina2

  1. Expense is surely going to be a big issue here, I wouldn't want to spend a lot on whats on offer now. I live near the snow though so for me it's easy to say ---- get out there!
  2. Perhaps it will take a while to sort the problems out then. Shame that.
  3. ....収入印紙 Where do I get this? Post office? Onegai shimasu!
  4. A real simple solution is this: http://www.dvdidle.com/ja/dvd-region-free-lite.htm English info here: http://www.dvdidle.com/en/dvd-region-free-lite.htm Costs $24.95 and it works on all of my dvds - been using it for a few weeks now with PowerDVD and no complaints at all. I belive it works with all DVD drives except DVD RAM ones and a couple of other exceptions.
  5. I bet he would be rubbing his hands with glee if he got that huge tax refund I did the other week. I have to keep details for my business of course, but personal stuff I'm the same as you rach.
  6. I know what you mean veronica, it doesn't bother me as much as it apparently does you though Usually older guys do it.
  7. I do the same, important stuff on there for piece of mind.
  8. The grand sum total of.... 1 yen. And they sent me an official form to tell me that. I'm wondering how to celebrate. Any ideas?
  9. ...according to the girls who had the banner on the way to the Japan soccer game tonight. They were explaining what it meant. Did you learn something today as well?
  10. They must be wondering what the hell they have done to deserve it. I've been to Indonesia, loved my time there and made some good friends. Not sure I'd be too keen to be going back.
  11. Can't see it, if it was on the news the server will probably be having a hard time. Not sure if I want to see it actually.
  12. When you can't see a page online. Its a bit of a rubbish comment, isn't it. ページを表示できません。 検索中のページは現在、利用できません。Web サイトに技術的な問題が発生しているか、ブラウ 470;の設定を調整する必要があります。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 次のことを試してください: [更新] ボタンをクリックするか、後でやり直してくださ 356;。 アドレス バーにページ アドレスを入力した場合は、ページ アドレスを正しく入力したかどうかを確認してく 384;さい。 接続の設定を確認するには、[ツール] メニューの [インターネット オプション] をクリックします。[接続] タブで [ダイヤルアップの設定] グループの [設定] ボタン、または [LAN の設定] グループの [LAN の設定] ボタンをクリックしてください。 設定情報は、LAN (ローカル エリアネット ワーク) の管理者か、ISP (インターネット サービス プロバイダ) が提供する情報と一致する必要があります。
  13. Is it any good then? Wouldn't mind trying it, can't be much worse that octopus innards or whatever that putrid pink stuff is.
  14. What cheek? I wonder!! If anyone's got anything else going free, I'll have it. Just PM me.
  15. My local community center hear has tons of courses like that going on. They're all either free or really cheap.
  16. For that cheek, I will give it to someone else.
  17. Are you interested in the park, then? Sorry. Haven't been to the park there but I don't think it's too big. Kandatsu have a fairly big park area nowadays. I think Gala have too but you'd only want to go there on a weekday.
  18. I go there a few times a year and vary it, but the area I usually end up most is the middle part > Yakebitaiyama and if I have my skis on over to Okushiga. Very cold place.
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