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Everything posted by rajeem

  1. I just want to chill out for a few weeks. I really love fall, then there's winter on its way. What a great time of year!
  2. Hey I tried a pizzaman the other day from a 7-11 and it was quite good actually. Try it out folks!
  3. What are those pizzaman things like? I've never really struck up the courage to get one after a bad experience with a nikuman once from Lawson (I think the "meat" that was in it made me ill).
  4. I tried to book somewhere last new year and had big problems. First off, places put their rates up for the NY holiday (sometimes by quite a lot). So you pay more to go on more crowded hills. I also left it too late to try and book. It seems New year gets fully booked up at lots of places really early. Just what I experienced.
  5. Thank god schools back and that's over with. It was driving me mad.
  6. I seem to lose weight as I have little appetite in the summer. I'd rather drink than eat!
  7. Still hot down here in Osaka region - isn't everyone getting tired of it now?
  8. I just got woken up half an hour ago with a local morning radio sing song. It seems they are going to do it in this area for the next 2 weeks. Not happy.
  9. I just hate it when Japanese people who can speak "this is pen" style English, much worse than my Japanese, insist on "speaking English" with me when the conversation would get much further if we communicated in Japanese. I've just had one of those experiences, and it drove me up the wall. Anyone else get mad at this?
  10. Good friends. My bunch of people is usually made up of 3 skiers and 5 snowboarders. We don't have any problems - it's good to talk about each others preferences etc, makes for an interesting day.
  11. Marginal regions lose out - bad for us in Kansai and further down south then. And it will make the bigger resorts busier, won't it?
  12. Ocean11, I was thinking more of listening to opinions, not reading promotional blurb from the company itself. Maybe I didn't make that so clear...
  13. What is this 3D binding system then folks in the kmow?
  14. I think he said after the race that he just realised how much he loved the sport and wants to race forever. Sorry, non Shumi fans!
  15. Oh its terrible. So loud and annoying!
  16. So you reckon mcd's calories are good ones for riding then? what is the best kind of energy to have?
  17. We will be going back to India for 2 weeks soon. A case of out of the heat, into the heat.
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