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Everything posted by viv&kev

  1. We have been to Fukushima a few times and it was really beautiful - there and Yamagata too. We really liked it. We haven't been in winter, though...
  2. ....go here now for a new fix! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/2314339.stm
  3. This last weekend, even though it was actually warm. Testing the thing. First time is really smelly! viv
  4. We always head for the big TZone in Akihabara - about 5 minutes walk from the station, can't miss it. It's got about 7 floors and a lot of stuff.
  5. The first time's just a lot of fun because of the anticipation and build up. It's great if that first time happens to be on a great day with good snow and weather. Setting the tone though?
  6. It's pretty hard, but I'll tell all. Vivien (me) and Kevin (him)
  7. Pastie-head? Has anyone else seen the new outfits in the shops? We were checking out a big shop in Osaka today - there was a worrying amount of yellow going on there. Is yellow the color?
  8. The new updates are really good. We're really looking forward to the new site you're planning for Nov - doing a great job, keep it up! (Please).
  9. Calm down lads, echineko is probably a guy anyway viv
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