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Everything posted by white-void

  1. My mothers birthday is on Dec 25th. She always says she misses out on a proper birthday, part jokingly, so since a long time back we celebreate it a month later, on my fathers birthday, Jan 25th - a double header.
  2. I really like them too - they cost an absolute fortune back home (don't know how much they cost here, I presume they aren't cheap). I never knew Niigata was the main place for them.
  3. Just met up with a few people in the chat - great little application that, really like it. It should be really useful in winter.
  4. Now I wonder if that photo has been touched up at all...
  5. I see this on the news and all the fuss, but don't know much about it. Why were people hoping for Livedoor?
  6. Ordered Jon Stewards America The Book and hoping it comes soon. I really like him on the Daily Show, hope this lives up to my expectations. Anyone read it? http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0446532681/ref=amb_center-2_138348//102-0411048-7759333
  7. Just to add to that, I didn't see much difference when I bought from a place there. Apart from the price of course.
  8. Has anyone seen the sequel to "This Land is My Land" - that funny animation of Bush and Kerry? Any links? Can't find any that work.
  9. Yes. It even "dusted" Tokyo apparently.
  10. I had some of this crap last night. Amazing how they can come up with so much bullshit marketing for something as insignificant as this stuff.
  11. Love to read Bushs "own words" as well. That would be a laff.
  12. What if you don't think its silly, and want to do it? Personal opinions. I think those bike things look like fun, I wouldn't mind having a go just to see what they're like.
  13. they should give them dope back in the uk too >> Police across England made 83 arrests after fans rioted following England's Euro 2004 loss to France. Some 400 people were involved in disturbances in Croydon, south London, where police were pelted with missiles and 12 people were arrested. Another 12 people were arrested in Birmingham after a crowd of 200 caused trouble around the city centre. This was in sharp contrast to the scene in Lisbon, where England supporters remained peaceful. Just one England supporter was arrested in the host country - for alleged
  14. I agree, fantastic fantastic animals. I used to go horseriding on my holidays - it was the only time I had the chance growing up. Love em.
  15. I had some back in college. Whether it was that or something else I felt really bad the next few days and was quite ill. It didn't agree with me.
  16. I am Non Japanese and not in the least bit interested.
  17. If there's a fair contingent of local 'talent' taking part, I usually drag myself there
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