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Everything posted by dale#1

  1. It is good. Everything he does gets just so out of control so quickly.
  2. Porno Grafitti get on my nerves too. No apparent good song, and every "new" song a template of the original one.
  3. Yes good point... I find that the people who have been here longer seem to avoid those rock star trappings.
  4. Lots of suzume birds suddenly conking out - it was on the news this evening, not sure where it was. Can't find it online either. nagpants?
  5. I agree. Below average after that incredible start. We had our share back then it seems.
  6. Both cricket and baseball bore me stupid. Does seem crazy that a US referee judges a game like that.
  7. Good god, what on earth is that?!!? Seems I missed it, but I'll have to look it up!
  8. The Chin is well known for his crimes against fashion.
  9. Quote: my girlfriend and I rarely argue but when we do we end up laughing silly at each other. Those kind of arguments I can cope with! They're often over stoopid things anyway aren't they.
  10. I have a middle name and sometimes I have to think to remember it. My parents wanted to give me the middle name after my grandfather, that's where it is coming from.
  11. Quote: Don't take a book into the hospital with you if you go. O11 - how come?
  12. Script 'review' for Casino Royale. Don't click if you don't want spoilers! http://latinoreview.com/scriptreview.php?id=19
  13. Interesting read http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4665194.stm
  14. It doesn't all have to be about heating. How about some simple insulation???
  15. Quote: I think people who have not tried it yet tend to think that crosscountry skiing is just tough, no fun at all. Thats pretty much what I think. People who try it do often seem to really like it though.
  16. Important to you? I always try to be first up when I go out. Get those first tracks.
  17. Do you guys wear your helmets just for a day on the groomed runs?
  18. Morrissey was right. Some girls are bigger than others. And so it should be.
  19. Not a 'band' but I also really dislike most rap. Sean Peal comes to mind, I cannot stick his voice.
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