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Everything posted by rider69

  1. To save money you can buy direct from Taihei tire. A great little site for used auto stuff they give ratings for tires etc. http://www.taihei-tire.co.jp/
  2. Travel insurance might cover your snowboarding if you go out of state or to Canada. Evogear in the states sells used stuff if you are looking for something.
  3. Just thank the lord that it wasnt bear spary!
  4. You dont want to break your shoulder again with pins in it thats for sure. be careful
  5. With the value of the american peso why not just order from the states
  6. Having lived 500 meters away from a shink before the noise is pretty loud when they zip past.
  7. The new shink line will likely have double to triple the exposure to snow than the Joetsu line. A few extra winter travelers are not going to help cover the costs of this white elephant.
  8. Quote: At least you don't have to transfer numerous time to get to Niseko and probably just take the same amount of time without the risk of traffic congestion or extended wait time A snow storm will seriously effect this line. Most of the Shinkansen lines dont run through snow country and if they due it is mostly tunnels.
  9. Last time I was in Van I had a crack dealer try to sell me crack. I watched an addict search the ground for used fags. Also saw a fight! All in about a 15 minute time frame.
  10. The Sea water is nice. The old wooden houses have lots of character. The surf north of itohgawa can be world class during a northernly blow. The JHS right on the beach would be a great place to go to school.
  11. Those tetrapods are the only thing keeping a few of those town safe from the waves. Some houses are almost on the tetrapods.
  12. T-bars are awesome for windy areas or keeping the low level riders out of advanced terrain. Fernie Uses a few. I have yet to ride a surface lift in Japan though.
  13. I isnt a pretty town. The ocean view coming into town at sunset was always nice though. Now you can see a Shink buzz. I just cant see the value in that line still. I dont know what the cost is going to be. I would think that for a family of 4 traveling to Tokyo it will be double or triple the cost of taking your own car. One other thing to remember is that this shink is going through car country. Almost everyone along this line will own a motor vechile of some type. That is a big factor to consider.
  14. Was down in Itohigawa yesterday and the line is coming along. Those poor people though under the line dont know what they are in for. Also totally wrecks the view of the ocean as you drive into town.
  15. For those in the matsumoto area this weekend it is the end of the beer festival http://www.matsumoto-fes.com/index.html
  16. weird DPJ or corrupt LDP ? Ill still take the weird DPJ
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