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Sweet, here we go!!! Get ta listen for the next 30 mins!!!!


What were the rules that were decided I wonder?


Do you belive Senator Kerry that you can prevent another 911 better than Bush? Yes I do. Riiigghhhhhttttttttt. There it is, Patriotism. I would already be wasted if I could be drinking...

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Originally posted by LiquidX:
US Citizens - are you going to vote?
No, and I hate the people that say they are just voting for Kerry because they want a change (WHAT CHANGE?!). Kerry is a bastard who will say whatever he THINKS will win some votes at that particular moment. And everybody already knows Bush.
Why must we choose between these two people wakaranai.gif
There are so many more people out there more capable and here we're left with this... the system ain't werkin no moor,

three words:

an ar chy
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Well an authorative articulate senator was on one side, on the other was a hybrid of Forrest Gump and Pinocchio.

The only credit I can give FGP was he was firm and unwavering and followed his convictions,

It dont matter if they are wrong better to stick the course and be wrong than alter course and be a flip flop, ya know coz "we busted them"

we busted them? please, run along now George and get mummy to wipe the dribble of the corner of your mouth:rolleyes:



(N.B this is not an anti American post, its purely aimed at Bush. I like America (mostly) I have many American friends and most of them would probably agree whole heartedly)

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I only listened to about 40 mins worth of it and its obvious who the better public speaker is, Kerry. Bush sounds like he came out of Hee-Haw or some Redneck show back in the day.


Sakitumi is right, its sad that we have to choose between tweedle dee and dumb, but Id rather have Bush-light than Bush the ripper. Bush is a FKN wanker. I think Kerry would do a better job of foreign diplomacy than Bush has.


But, lets give the Republicans 4 more years to totally F$CK the world and themselves so theres no whining by the Repubs. :rolleyes: shifty.gif :rolleyes:

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The thing that gets me... .Bush just looks so not smart. He just looks and speaks like he has only half a brain. I just find it inconceivable that people vote for such a guy.


At least Blair comes across as being intelligent and knows whats going on - even if you don't like him.

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I was just telling my wife the same thing Bag of Crisps. i can't even fathom why Americans would vote for Bush. It was a shock 4 years ago. But Americans have had a "test drive" of 4 years. Bush IS a no brainer!

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In a land of obesity with very few skinny people and most of the good looking ones already taken by Hollywood stars he was the only decent looking bloke. As far as ape impersonators go anyway. Therefore he was voted for.

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I put this together for you ;\)


Democratic candidate John Kerry was more presidential in his demeanour than incumbent George W Bush during their first debate on Thursday, a US body language expert says.

Patti Wood, an Atlanta-based consultant, told BBC News Online that Mr Kerry appeared more respectful and in control.


Mr Bush sounded arrogant and unable to control his emotions, especially in the latter part of the debate, she contends.


However, Ms Wood says, Mr Bush at times radiated warmth in a way that Mr Kerry could not emulate.


Bush's 'arrogance'


The president looked most at ease during the first 30 minutes of the debate, according to Ms Wood.


"He was warmer, more confident, he spoke from his heart, smiled and looked into the camera," she says.


When you hear the same words with more frustrated body language, the message sounds like a lie


But in the remaining hour, Mr Bush sounded increasingly angry and repeated many of his answers, she adds.


The constant use of statements - such as "the war was hard work" - showed that he was speaking form a script, she says.


"When you hear the same words with more frustrated body language, the message sounds like a lie."


Ms Wood said the president's frustration was especially visible when Mr Kerry was speaking.


"In reaction shots Bush was arrogant, smirked and shook his head and looked disgusted in a childish way.


"This indicates immaturity - which is not presidential. He should have been more in control," Ms Wood said.


Kerry 'cold'


Mr Kerry, by contrast, would look at Mr Bush and appeared more respectful.


However at his best Mr Bush can still project a more comfortable image than his challenger, Ms Wood notes.


She said Kerry looked more in control

"If Kerry is to win, he has to look at the public though the camera when he speaks," she adds.


Mr Kerry needs to take a leaf from the president's book, lean forward and speak warmly, Ms Wood says.


Instead of using the classic debating technique of looking at his opponent, he should look at the public through the camera, she suggests.


Ms Wood made clear body language would not influence committed supporters of either candidate.


But, she went on, "it is going to make a difference for anybody who has not made up their minds who they are going to vote for".

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Originally posted by I=I=I=I=I:

So, voters, who won your heart? :p
Bush is so adorable how he stares into space with a blank look, mouth partially open with a bit of spittle hanging off his lip, but then Kerry is just great, BTW I ran into him(Kerry) the other day, I asked his position on Iraq, before he answered he asked my position, so I told him... he said "Ya! me too! please vote for me" :p
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Saw a good cartoon in the paper with Bush as 'tiger' vs Kerry as 'eyeore' lol.gif . Shallow physiological characteristics aside, it's quite clear that one of the candidates is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Either that or Bush is back on the booze.

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He was 'projecting' his 'warmth' lol.gif . I think he did quite well on that superficial level because Bush usually romps in with his 'folksy charm'. Talk about the lowest common denomenator.

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