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I was in the shops over the weekend and noticed all the Christmas songs tunes - mostly cheesy covers. It got me thinking .... who makes these cheesy covers. There must either be a few very busy people (groups?) doing this forever, or lots of them. Are there people out there who "do cheesy background and covers music for shops/elevators" as a living?


sunrise and other musicians - know anything about this part of the industry?

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My worst is


Jingle Bells Jingles Bells Jingle all the way

and then repeat

Jingle Bells Jingles Bells Jingle all the way

and you guessed it. Reapeat again.

Jingle Bells Jingles Bells Jingle all the way

Jingle Bells Jingles Bells Jingle all the way

Jingle Bells Jingles Bells Jingle all the way

Jingle Bells Jingles Bells Jingle all the way

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I have sometimes wondered that. They churn out a hell of a lot of 'music' don't they? Perhaps they are musicians waiting for their break. Or perhaps we are underestimating them.

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Not sure about what types of people do them cos I didn't hear them. But Xmas songs seem to be big money, so probably every tom dick and harry like to cover them to get on the bandwagon. Or more likely record companies are the ones trying to cash in, putting out xmas compilations every year.

As for elevator music, I don't think humans are capable to making it. Never met a session musician who's owned up to playing on a muzak session yet.


Yeh, that George Michael song drives me nuts too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but so far I haven't heard it this season. That Mariah Carey one drives me nuts too. But I bet she made a fortune off it (just like ol' George did).

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I can cope with Georgey-pudding's song. I have some nice memories associated with that song. \:\) It's the Mariah Carey song that I really really really don't like - it is just so so annoying. Made worse by the video. mad.gif (She doesn't actually write 'her' songs does she? I know George Michael writes his)

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I don't mind the xmas stuff so much, it's better than syrupy J-pop ballads or the Winter Sonata theme song. Anything to do with Mariah Carey is awful; the sound of my dog eating is better than her warbling.

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Was it Rodney Rude or Kevin Bloody Wilson that wrote that lovely tune containing the following words:


"Santa Claus you ******* **** where's me ******* bike?! I've unwrapped all me presents and there nothing that I like"

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Originally posted by Dear Britain:
Was it Rodney Rude or Kevin Bloody Wilson that wrote that lovely tune containing the following words:

"Santa Claus you ******* **** where's me ******* bike?! I've unwrapped all me presents and there nothing that I like"
It was Kev mate. Good ol' bloody Kev!

Hey Santa claus you **** !

Where's me ****ing bike?

I've unwrapped all this other junk and there's nothing that I like.

I wrote you a ****ing letter and I come to see you twice

Ya worn out geriatric fart, you forgot me ****ing bike.

If I wanted a pair of bloody thongs, I'd have bloody asked.

And this cowboy suit and ping pong set you can shove right up your arse!

You've stuffed me bloody order up

It's enough to make you spew

And I'm not the only one who's snakey

Me sisters dirty too!

(female voice)
Hey santa clause you **** !

Where's me ****ing pram?

You promised me you'd bring me one, you remember who I am.

'Cause I'm the little girl who you made sit right on your hand

I'll give you ****ing ho ho ho

You forgot me ****ing pram

(male voice)
Next time I come to see ya, I'm gonna punch you in the guts

And I'll let your ****ing reihndeer go and kick Rudolf in the nuts!

You just wait 'till next year, when you go to that store

And me and me little sister, come stomping through the door

And we'll say, yeah you wait for it

Hey mums and dads you smell his breath and check his bloodshot eyes

And don't listen to him boys and girls 'cause he tells ****ing lies

He's just a piss tank and a pervert, and he's not even very bright

'Cause the old ****ing wanker Forgot me ****ing bike.

You wait you old **** , I'm gonna dob you in

Tell me old man on you, he's gonna punch your ****ing lights out

"I saw mummy sucking santa clause"
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