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you are free to try any ski. i will also remount the spats and you can try them as well.


if you want to throw that suit in the garbage ill take it off your hands kuma.


About avie lungs if you froogle you can find them for 99 sometimes.

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posted by FF:

>maybe jan 15ish

but then toque might get his claws into him.

His girl is going to see him at Xmas or i woould have locked him in as staff. Best worker ive ever seen. I think he will be back cause of the girl though.


Is risa ok mate? Last I heard she has gotten worse and needs another operation \:\( \:\( I hope shes ok or getting better. You hear anything?


Agreed. That boy works like a madman and gives 100% at everything he does. Hes da man - which is why I was hopin he would be comin back...

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Originally posted by Creek Boy:
Not buying anything. Except for crampons, ice axe, and will consider an avie lung. Think those will become as standard as beacons et al for avie gear in a few years...
That could be a very dangerous step, if it made people think that by having such equipment they could survive avalanches, and so take more risks.

Oh, and 'et al' is for people, 'etc' is for things, high school teacher! ;\)

Let's pedantic!
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Its more dangerous not to have one if caught in an avie. It wont save my life per say, though using it would help increase the time duration Im able to breathe, hence it may help increase the chances of me not getting CO2 poisioning from breathing in/out the same location. Just as you need a shovel, beacon to find/be found, and a probe to feel around I bet they will become part of that package as well.


heres a first hand account


avalung product information


black diamond all avalung products


Yes, simple mistake. Just proofed a teacher's report and that was stuck in my head \:o

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ebc no green for me i want blues.


Yes park skis and i dont care if someone has the same skis as me.


AK you are right but cb has a plan to try to climb more this spring thus he needs crampons and an axe. We wont be bringing them on every trip though thats for sure. but above happo past the spot you got to youll need them at times.


I thought dans girl just needed a throat op thats it. I will check. She wont be riding this season I think though.


I bought an avalung mainly for the wife. I wont her to have everything she might need.

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Originally posted by Kumapix:
what the others on this site? anyone want an avalung? Dizzy, EBC, AK...bushpig?
yes i might be interested in one. they are not crazy expensive and can increase your chances. it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be riding crazier terrain and think you are untouchable, it will just make you more prepared or have a better chance of survival in the avalanche terrain you already ride anyway. if you have a beacon it doesn't seem crazy to have an avalung.

AK you have this theory about helmets too. but if i'm going to crash and break my arm and fracture my skull at the same time, i'd rather just break an arm, and have my head ok because i wore a helmet. you can't wrap yourself up in cotton wool it's true - but you can protect areas like your head. the avalung offers you the chance to breath if you are caught in an avalanche. i've been completely submerged (not in an avi)and know first hand what that suffocating sensation is like.
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Originally posted by Fattwins:
so much work left to do I hope I can make tateyama im gonna slave this weekend.

After passing the health safty check im so relieved nothing big to fix so we can just focus now.
ah well done FT good to hear. Phat Luv was talking to Mitch about it on sunday. nice one you passed thumbsup.gif
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