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Ippy, what about the picture above - I think you will find that is a recent invention that should advance at least the tastebuds of human civilisation.


And anyway tomorrow is another day...............................special for some.

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OMG!! - Mick might have been on it when she sat down Hellooooooooo................Mick, are you in there mate?

Might be the only way Mick could slip out

Ponder no more pie-eater. Bond knows it's Blofeld, it's only Blofeld that takes a while to cotton on. It's Bond's disguise, you see. Becoming an Aussie, wearing glasses and speaking dubbed over does

As to Ippy's post. Forget E=mc2 or f=ma or that gravity silliness......


I'd travel back to about 1979 and be the first to discover......


Definitely important for mankind...



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Wonder if he got to playing sex with the girl too. That would have been the bonus!


She's hot....but a chick strutting down the street with an open jar of peanut butter......kinda nuts right?

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If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?


Funny that, I remember disassembling a Teflon frying pan of '60s or early-'70s vintage when I was a kid to see how this was accomplished. At that time, the teflon surface sheet had triangular runners underneath, with the fat side downwards, which slid into triangular-shaped grooves in the metal frying pan. Something like what one sees at the corners of a wooden drawer (woodworkers, tell me the proper term -- Chriselle? Man_In_Japan?). So a very simple, mechanical locking method.


Nowadays it seems to be a slightly more sophisticated process, with sandblasted surfaces to make a micro-featured bonding surface. But the same idea in principle, I guess.

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I think you are referring to either 'tounge and groove' or 'mortis and tenon'


Thank you for solving that Point To Ponder though at the time your mum might have been peed off :happyshades:

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I think you are referring to either 'tounge and groove' or 'mortis and tenon'


After some searching, I think it was more like a sliding dovetail:



Though in actuality, I suppose that rather than actually slide the teflon into place, they poured it on as a liquid and let it harden in place.

But that kind of shape.


Thank you for solving that Point To Ponder though at the time your mum might have been peed off :happyshades:


All in the name of science!

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ha, yes probably right but it's an interesting thought about which popular theory/myth would be proved right.

I know it's butter side down 8 out of 10 times for me, particularly if I am in a hurry or just mopped the floor, or someone's watching

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I think you are referring to either 'tounge and groove' or 'mortis and tenon'


After some searching, I think it was more like a sliding dovetail:



Though in actuality, I suppose that rather than actually slide the teflon into place, they poured it on as a liquid and let it harden in place.

But that kind of shape.


Thank you for solving that Point To Ponder though at the time your mum might have been peed off :happyshades:


All in the name of science!

Late to the party......That's what I was going to say....dovetail joint. Carry on.. :wave: I heard that slug slime is one thing that will stick to teflon.. :confused:

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