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Somehow my toolbar has been moved from the bottom of my screen to the right side.


Now the START button is in the upper right corner with all open pages listed below that


It's annoying and I have no idea how to get it back to normal

I'm using XP


Please help


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Left click on an empty part of the taskbar and drag it right to the bottom of the window.


Should relocate to the usual position. You can lock it afterwards to stop it happening again if you want: right-click on toolbar >> lock the task bar.

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Originally posted by LiquidX:
I got a message to update Windows last night and did so. After I did it, I couldn't open Excel. It kept on asking for the Excel CDs. Which I didn't have with me. VERY annoying.
just run "open office" its free
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I always have my bar on the right side.


Mousing over to the bottom left seems unnatural. Since the screen is shorter top to bottom, and hence from an economic point of view it has more value, it makes more sense to fill the left to right space with the low value task bar.

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The bar is pretty wide, stacked vertically. It takes up more real estate that way.


Of course if you have a BFO 19 or 21" screen I guess it doesn't much matter. For the rest of us...

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> It takes up more real estate that way.


No it doesn't. It takes up less total real estate, and less valuable real estate. And the total size has nothing to do with it - we're talking relative size here.

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If I view the Sydney Morning Herald site with the taskbar on the right, I lose about a third of the RH column and it means I have to scroll horizontally as well as vertically. This is running at 1024x768.


The horizontal bar takes up 30.5 square cms, and the vertical 69 square cms on my screen. It takes up more space in absolute size terms, as well as relative to the fixed screen size.


Lucky we can do it either way - I find it more valuable the other way *shrug*

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Sorry, I was assuming one would squash it up so you just get the icon and the first couple of characters displayed...


Since top and bottom menu bars tend to proliferate needlessly, impinging on vertical viewing space, bunging one of the biggest offenders into the horizontal space seems to make a lot of sense.

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Slightly off topic, but:

Anyone here with an "Un-updatable windows"?

(the kind that cannot pass windows genuine advantage check)

i have a better solution than getting that hacked LegitCheckControl.dll


go to http://www.shavlik.com/pDownloadForm4.aspx?productid=74

and get free trial on their update application.

(i got one year for free)

works great. It even updates computers over local networks.

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I like the bar on the bottom because it gives me more space to pick from the sometimes many windows I have open


I can easily switch from SJ -> gmail -> lesbo strap on anal porn -> bivouac -> and what ever homework I'm working



edit: Just realized that if it's on the side they are stacked one on top of the other and I could have a dozen open at the same time...

Still keeping it on the bottom though

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Originally posted by Ocean11:
I always have my bar on the right side.

I have my Google Desktop residing over there as a autohide sidebar.

My windows Task bar is on autohide the bottom.

I like them to disappear from view like a good butler when I dont need them.
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