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Sorry bearded one, I didn't mean to be rude to you. You asked a fair tech question.


It was the ensuing geek chatter about desktop configuration.... I intended to be rude to those toss-pots.

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Originally posted by db le spud:
It was the ensuing geek chatter about desktop configuration.... I intended to be rude to those toss-pots.
Clearly too much altitude sickness can spoil a man's appreciation for the hidden economics of desktop real estate...
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I knew a guy that said with forceful meaning, almost pride, that he knew exactly where every file was in his folder structure. He knew it like the back of his hand. I think he used to kill his days just pointlessly navigating around his Windows file system and playing with his desktop icons.

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Same here, and once something is saved and filed away, I likely never look at it again anyway. Like putting something in the freezer.


At work I am different, but that is because we have loads of stuff that has to be kept orderly and is always being used.

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My PC is a total mess.

I have a "clean up" about every month. It's not really cleaning up, more like putting stuff in folders and hiding it. I know I should be better but

a) can't be arsed

B) even if I try, it doesn't seem to last or work.




I am very probably more hopeless than you lin.

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