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Name the SnowJapan.com Members Ski/Boarding Video!

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I'm sure a lot of you have read that a few of us Snow Japan members have started a project, nay, a movement to create a Snow Japan movie this season. So far the ball is rolling along nicely and I have collected submissions from Low Pressure Lover and Fattwins and SJ has just created a Video page for showing all of your favorite clips.


Anyone on this site is welcome to submit their footage for this project - the more we get from around the country, the better! I will be doing most of the raw editing of the footage while LPL will be doing the opening title sequence (and possibly ending sequence?) Anyone with any editing experience out there (Indosm?) is welcome to help also.


The whole idea of this is to make something that will be representative of the boarding and skiing all over the country, showing why Japan is truely a winter wonderland and riders paradise.


To get things started, we need a name for the project, and we're leaving it up to the readers to decide. Please list any suggestions or ideas you have in this thread. Anything will be considered!


Aloha \:D


Edit - caught the subject before anyone called me on it. Had to include boarding in there ;\)

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So far, I'm kinda liking these:


"Wham Bam Snow Japan" - made my laugh - it's so in your face....


"A pint o' snowjapan.com please, gov'ner - vol 1" - made me laugh also. Don't know why, but I like it \:\)


"Snowjapan 2004 - A Yuki Fantasy" - Not bad, but just may be pronounced wrong and misconstrued as a porno flick lol.gif


Keep them coming...

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Originally posted by taguchi:
Where will we be able to get the finished version? You going to burn DVDs of it and send out to people on request or what?? (Charge for the postage of whatever?)
So, was that whole thing a suggestion for the name of the video? It has a certain ring to it.... \:\)

I'll probably do it in a couple of different formats. If I can find a place to host it online, I will create a net-compatable format so anyone can watch it online and download a low-quality version. I probably will make a DVD compatable format also and require people to send me a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE - is that kosher in Japan??) which I can just slip the DVD into and send back to them. I'll render the thing into an MPG also so that it can be thrown on a CD-ROM just as another option.

One of those should work for just about everyone I hope. The thing probably won't be ready to be sent out until around the end of May. Lots of skiing left to do and a lot of video left to collect.
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