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Everything posted by jgraves

  1. I don't think my wife would like that very much. But i'll consider it. But seriously, why are ski tips so lame? There is practically zero functionality in their current design. Why not make them more functional or at least interesting? With the loss of nipples, ski tips seem to have LOST a lot of both. Now, for durability, many ski makers attach big hunks of heavy metal to tips--and that's just to prevent delamination which really doesn't matter much anyway, and in some cases, the metal/rivets are so thick that you cannot attach skins to them. The only recent ski tip "
  2. wait wait wait wait wait. That whole thing about the weak, submissive, subserviant Japanese woman is a COMPELTE myth. Anyone guy who has ever dated (or married) a Japanese woman can back me up on this one. I seem to be under the misconception that the act of washing the dishes involves transforming the dishes from a dirty to a clean state. Yet I am constantly being yelled at by the women in my life (mother, sister-in-law, ex-girlfriends, wife) for doing the dishes "the wrong way." To this day, I still don't know what the "right way" to do dishes is, and every woman I've ever asked
  3. I have tried various things to prevent my boots from becoming moldy over the humid summers here and nothing has worked to my satisfaction so far. The best I have found so far is numerous charcoal dehumidfier inserts, and sealing the boots in plastic, but even that doesn't work all that well. Has anyone else discovered a sure-fire solution?
  4. Are you a heavy smoker and/or vegetarian? Those are the two surest ways to cold extremities.
  5. You'd think someone would've already invented ski boots that both perform well AND don't dislocate your ankles when taking them off.
  6. The transcript of the show is on the CNN website: http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0605/08/lkl.01.html Doesn't sound like the womens' lack of freedom/choice in this case has anything to do with polygamy at all, but 2 parts religious exremism mixed with 3 parts of abuse of power by one megalomaniac. My earlier point was that both polygamy and multiple divorce-remarriage get around the idea ("vow") of committing yourself to your partner for life-- but the Liz Taylors of the world have merely found a LEGAL loophole around that commitment. Neither is great, but of the two,
  7. That probably would've been funnier if the Kanji had actually appeared, huh. Why does the internet hate macs so much? The punchline was "hair plugs." Since I can't get kanji to appear, First person to post the proper kanji wins. . .
  8. The temperature just dropped about 5 degrees, misorano but its about to get even colder. . . If you're balding Manuel, I would definitely recommend ???? Just be thankful your name doesn't have a "v" in it.
  9. Speaking of moguls at Happo. . . The one and only time I skied there (and there will be no second, except maybe for the bc), the mogul fields looked like this: The entire day, there was literally a person either crashed into or standing on every single mogul waiting for the person below them to get out of the way. It looked like someone had cut a mogul field in the middle of a forest. Now, I am an optimist, but what exactly about such a situation makes anyone think "hmm, looks fun. Think I'll give it go!
  10. Look CB, I-A-C, Were the comments racist? probably not, but I have seen threads start like that and end up in some really over-the-line comments. Rather than criticise "the Japanese way," and phrasing the criticism (as most gaijin do) as a write-off of the entire (er, excuse me 99% of the) population, why not turn the mirror around and take a critical look at yourself and other westerners. Why do westerners (particularly Americans) tend to be so damn critical of others anyway ? learning to ski properly isn't necessarily about having fun in and of itself, its about unlocking t
  11. Hands down, the millicent lift at Brighton (Salt Lake City, Utah), serves my favorite terrain in the world.
  12. Actually, most of my western ski buds tend to piss and moan about "shitty" snow conditions on anything but a perfect powder day, my Japanese friends and I have a blast in any snow condition. Hard pack--even ice--is fast and incredibly fun if you actually know how to set a real edge, and that begins with those by-the-book S turns. I often wish more of my "advanced" western friends would take a few lessons and improve their technique so they could keep up and stop bitching so much on those less-than-perfect-powder days. btw: Just because we Westerners are raised to be allergic to discipli
  13. Didn't see the show, but I 've been wondering recently. . . What's so different between polygamy and getting married, then divorced, then remarried, then divorced, then remarried. . . ???
  14. I dare you to lick the bar. . .
  15. On the contrary, fq. The fact that the guy was arrested for it shows how far Japan has come in recent years. There was a time not long ago when the nurse would've just smiled politely and pretended it didn't happen. Now the guy's branded as a sex offender, seen the inside of prison, out several-hundred thousand yen, and is being bitch slapped on national tv. I think that's a far better solution than censoring distasteful manga.
  16. I know someone whose favorite condiment for broccoli is vinegar! Condiment, unire tests, and now hiccups. Aspirin, look out, there's a new contender for the title of wonder drug.
  17. But if its AT and weight you're wondering about, I can tell you having recently converted from hiking up to skiing up, that the weight really only mattered to me when I was hiking. Extra width is really nice in deep powder, but for powder up to 20cm or so, I think I still prefer my thinner, lighter, parabolics (K2 4s), and for between 20-30cm, its a toss.
  18. Eating hot sauce isn't the problem, its the day after that keeps me off the stuff.
  19. Look into pensions in the area as well. Those catering to int'l travellers often hire non-Japanese staff. Anyway you slice it, you're going to make the most $ to support your habit(s) teaching english. Check out .coms like gaijinpot and jobsinjapan that list english teacher jobs.
  20. You all know about chefshak.com, right? Free legal downloads of episodes.
  21. Two Zen monks were walking along the bank of a river when a drowning (ramen-slurping cigarrette-smoking) woman floats by. The first monk, without a moments hesitation, dives in and carries her to the shore, rescuing her. Later, as the two monks continue their walk, the second monk reproaches his friend for touching a (ramen-slurping cigarrette-smoking) woman and thereby breaking his vow of celebacy. "But, my dear friend, I put the (ramen-slurping cigarrette-smoking) woman down after I carried her to shore. You, on the other hand, are still carrying her." (ps. Didn't they
  22. Fail to see any connection between incest and ramen, but you just gave me an excellent idea for a ramen shop in Kabukicho. C'mon, why does eating have to be all about the eating pleasure of the person next to me? Heck, slurping I get to indulge all FIVE of my senses at once. Sensory overload. Its close to org@smic. Bet miss manners never got off from eating. My eyes have seen the light! I can't believe there's people who still want to just politely taste their ramen. . . Forget about the person eating next to you and get into your own eating for once. Suck yourself silly
  23. Also a site with the distributions in Shinshu, but can't seem to access their page: http://avalanche.shinshu-u.ac.jp/hotav.html
  24. The following website shows a distribution of the slides that occurred in the Niigata chuestsu region triggered by that big earthquake. http://www.bosai.go.jp/seppyo/kenkyu_naiyou/nadare_kikendo/chuetsu.htm At least it shows some past (and therefore potential) danger areas in the region.
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