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Everything posted by firedog23

  1. I bought the Chameleon Gore Tex. The design is different than the ones I bought 2 years ago. Mine were almost all leather. The new ones look like they have more synthetics on the outside.
  2. I bought some Merrells for my Fuji climb and I really don't want to wear another boot. They got tore up from all the lava rock but they have really held together well. I plan on buying them again.
  3. Here is the link to the Hakkoda article for all the pictures. http://www.hakkodapowder.com/adventure.shtml
  4. Does anyone out there have any pains from injuries sustained from past years? Me, lower back from thinking I was still 16 when I hit a jump and found myself in a #!@$^% situation.
  5. CYE is great. Crazy Eyez Killer episode had me rollin. Who's my Caucasian?
  6. Yeah the seat cushions for sure, I think I can now go buy some pocky's from Lawson's with the change I found.
  7. When you can laugh at the young kids hitting every jump but can't carve powder to save their lives.
  8. Cold Play, they are another band that sounds like they are whining. Sorry all you Gweneth Paltrow fans but the band sucks.
  9. thick hooded sweatshirt and pajama bottoms, only change out of the house is replacing the pajamas with jeans
  10. I had Cat Tacos in Honduras. Didn't know it was cat until after the fact. Would of asked for seconds being as hungry as we were.
  11. I had Cat Tacos in Honduras. Didn't know it was cat until after the fact. Would of asked for seconds being as hungry as we were.
  12. IS your left foot going to fall off???? That bruise is nasty.
  13. Righhhhht. Replace board with skis and do the easy thing. Not for me. We all have been beat up by the lifts in the beginning, some more than others but it is just a matter of sticking with it and everything will just come together.
  14. I don't surf but I give to the Surf Rider Foundation. We all can use cleaner water and beaches.
  15. After receiving my A-Frame the other day I recant my claim that the Arbor Push is the best looking board. It is the A-Frame and it rides like a beast. My appologies to Ocean11 for my comments.
  16. I tried an 85% and it was like eating chalk. It is Lotte Limited Edition. Just a little to much for me.
  17. Alright here is a new topic. It is called the You would think thread. Everytime you post on it you must start it off with You would think. It can be anything and everything. You would think that with all the snow Japan gets they would of fiugred out plowing the streets is a good thing. Don't know how it is down south but Northern Japan is a little slow in response if at all.
  18. Yeah but pulling out an onion at the movies and taking a bite just doesn't do the same thing for me.
  19. ALright I am looking for the word to use when you get that snowboard run down the mountain that is what it is all about. Surfers call it "The Stoke" when they get a good wave, I am curious what some people might call it for us. I don't want to steal from the surfers so help me out.
  20. I can't wait until they figure out that Donuts and Cake cure some sort of Cancer too!!!!
  21. Pic doesn't show up. Go to this link to see it. www.arborsports.com
  22. Arbor makes some relly nice boards. I have the A-Frame on the way but the Arbor Push is their best looking one. To bad it is made for women. I curse the Snowboard Gods for this!!!!
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