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Everything posted by gnarly-dude

  1. A bit on the Japanese news about Australians in Niseko. Sounds like highly original programming, that!
  2. OK just logged in and uploaded a photo. Works fill. Promise to do more and write some reviews this season.
  3. Bloody ace. Can't wait to get out myself. End of next week all being well.
  4. I want a go on it. Can't believe it's late Feb before it drops in Japan. The thing is probably made in Japan too. Make it, ship it overseas.
  5. But I thought the Shinkansen, Mt Fuji and Kyoto Golden Temple were all in Hokkaido?! And in Hakuba at the same time. Snow monkeys and Matsumoto Castle too! According to a few websites I have seen. It's all very confusing!
  6. Yes lots. If you get to an exit, I'm sure you'll easy find some.
  7. Well, no, it's good for a lot of things. Just because you don't use it for them (or don't know about them), don't mean it's useless.
  8. I wish I could just spend time trying to do creative stuff like that.
  9. Any particular kind of coat, Tubby? Does it need to be a proper raincoat? Fabrics, etc?
  10. Looking for a gnarly day or two at Tenjin. And hopefully some further gnarliness at Kagura. With a dollop of gnarly turns in the snow at Nozawa.
  11. Yes they are. Never seen anyone actually skiing past the ropes though. It's a viewing thing for those places by the looks.
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