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stripper on coke

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Everything posted by stripper on coke

  1. it can take long for me to get over a decent weekend...ha ha . I hate traveling throught too many time zones though, especially if you come back and have to get straight back into the work routines.
  2. actally a slow connection is isdn 56k (if I'm lucky). NTT says there are not subscribers in the area.........Living in a town with an 800 (odd) room hotel and an international rock festival attracting over 35,000 people (and the organiser wants to stream live to the net) doesn't help....... Anyone know what Australian internet speeds are like ??
  3. progressive mid east approach anyone else read the onion ?
  4. yeah Yuki's P, it sure is a good one. I can even imagine throwing the die a few times myself (maybe......). I had a lot of chuckles though - let me know how it goes for you....
  5. sounds like some people I went to school with - are you sure this tribe hasn't traveled the world and intergrated with people everywhere ????? Sure sounds like it has.......
  6. has the beautiful game in England gone completely bonkers or what....... Eriksson: 'I won't lose any sleep' Wednesday September 1, 2004 The Guardian Sven-Goran Eriksson, as is his wont, did not appear unduly concerned yesterday by the prospect of a World Cup-winning manager angling for his job as the England squad met before the World Cup qualifiers against Austria and Poland. "I'm not going to have sleepless nights," said the Swede when asked about Sir Clive Woodward's plans to swap football for rugby. He added that Woodward would be welcome to attend England
  7. here, here db.... let's hope the australians are not that stupid though. I'm trying to big the place/people up as I'm heading back that way soon.........
  8. just saw the bronze medal winner dude talking on the news. Apparently, his take on the whole thing is that it was god's doing, showing him how tough it is to win a gold medal at the olympics.......now that's sportsmanship who said it was dead ????? BTW, where is this Grand Prix Priest guy going to pop up next......did you see him on the F1 track - the guys lucky to be alive....
  9. from what I've seen, I'd say their typoon sense is right up there with their water (surf) sense and also their road sense...... there must be some way to point out that very strong wind can be dangerous (and I'm talking about typoon strong wind......ha ha ha)....
  10. kamo, I try and always wear a dress shirt and pants (or jeans) when I travel. I never carry record cases or anything like that (I am a dj who plays abroad occassionally). I am not a huge dude, but I'm not a small dodgy looking geezer either. I do shave my head though, so I've put it down to that. I also used to work for the embassy, but I thought that might even have helped (having been security cleared and all that jazz). When traveling back to Australia I don't even bother trying any more - fvck 'em ! I agree with Indo, Aust. customs are c*nts. Although, to be honest, I think they are
  11. have you guys been to Australia ? How do they (the Ozzies) compare with the Canadians ? I always get more than my fair share when entering Australia. I have seen Australian customs get pretty tough with people on occasions, although they usually only want to pull my bags apart. Of course they never have (or will) find anything, and I always take a certain satisfaction in making the customs guys repack my bag to it's original condition - presents rewraped (back to Japanese gift wraping specs), cloths refolded and all..... At least being questioned returning to your home country, you can le
  12. Quote: Humans are strange. Welcome to planet Earth.
  13. if you use your imagination, it might just fit in in Odaiba, but the waterfront area in Liverpool......
  14. Everyone has known for more than 4 years the marathon was going to be run in warm weather. Don't tell me some runners were expecting a tepid 16 degrees or something (at least in Greece it's not too humid - nothng like what Beijings going to be like). It's called prearation and aclimatisation. Just because you are the world champion, you still have to prepare, just like evryone else. It seems (judging from the event itself) some were better prepared than others. Perhaps with the marathon we could do something.......... Let's take the judo thing one step further and give every competitor an
  15. Is it xmas already.............YAY The ol' Hawaiian mushy takes some beating (or is that gives a beating) even if you have to pay VAT. Beware the blue meanies !! (someone once told me....... ) Home delivery hu, with everything else delivered as well, there is no reason the leave the house.....ha ha ha
  16. I find a beer and a strong cigarette filled with the 'harflings weed' helps. Watching repeats of the Judo will put most people I know to sleep pretty quick....
  17. In Minato-Ku I used to pay Y43,000 a month (plus key money and deposit - fur fukz sake) for parking in my apartment block. It was (in Japanese) '3D Paruking', actually, it was a 12 story automatic, computer controlled jobbie. Brand new, all covered, and very cool, but stupidly priced. My apartment was almost 20 man it was new too. I could afford it, and found no point in having a car and having it parked 1hour across town just to save Y20,000 or something. Besides, I hated traveling on the train every day in Tokyo and so drove my car to work every day. I had free parking at work, so that
  18. I love a hot chip sandwhich. Must be with really good bread though (something of which I don't find very often around these parts), and of course partially drowned in tomato sauce (not 'ketchup'....ha ha). I'm not talking about Big M's fries either, I mean really pucker chips.... Tastes even better after a good surf. Wash it down with a dozen cold ones. YEAH !! I also like fancy, expensive resturants too, with long wine lists.......
  19. I bet a lot of the 'fashionable' Japanese are NOT going to China right now. I mean, fvck, the Chinese boo the Japanese national anthem......What will they do next, trash a diplomatic car ???? Personally, I'm gong to China in a couple of weeks. Take me to Xian and show me Guilin......also looking forward to good Peiking Duck....
  20. same thing happened a couple of years ago to me. I don't remember how long they took, but I guess it was at least a couple of months. Workman jack hammering on our balcony at the ungodly hour of 9:00am Saturday mornings. I lost it one day and tried to see why they couldn't do the work around our place in the afternoons (I was living with people who worked nights - including my wife). I yelled and screamed a bit, generally playing the 'typical loud mouthed gaijin'. The site manager called the owner of my apartment and she came around for a meeting. At the same time I was having my meeting with
  21. Can anyone please tell me why there are 2 bronze medalists in Judo
  22. I've got a couple to add to the list 1). 'sweating like some kind of farm animal' 2). (a more crude version - don't read if you might be offended - that's my disclosure before I even tell it) - 'sweating like a rapist' - (not sure if this allures to a courtroom setting or not.....) 3). '(George W) couldn't organise a root in a brothel' 4). 'it sticks like spoof to a blanket' P.S. I am not being anti-american in number 3 - I just believe he can't.......
  23. YES just finished 'The Dice Man' by Luke Rhinehart. Has anyone read it ? It's very funny in places - about a guy who decides to live his life by the throw of the dice. Hmmm, interesting...... BTW, how is the 'big book of Bill' shaping up - anyone finished yet ??????
  24. Indo, maybe she's really like many other (pre)teenage 'sportstars'. I guess be thankful that we only have to watch her annoying personality on tv. Imagine living with a child like that - oh the temper tantrams....I WANT TO DO THIS !!! . Mind you, she is not alone, I have seen many other child prodigies (??) like that too. While I'm here, when did the olympics actually become professional. I remember (it seems like many years ago) when one had to be an amature sportsperson to enter the olympics. Does anyone really care if Roger Federer wins a gold medel in tennis - the same goes for the us
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