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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by oxydiser

  1. Also check lots of farmer fields in summer. They use them for all sorts
  2. But his troops will be so blessed to have met such a human. How dare you question motives?
  3. Never seen it actually, didn't even know about it. Another Mel G England bash was it, before or after Braveheart?
  4. The Office is a MASTERPIECE. Incredibly funny, hilarious. May take a while for a non-brit to get it first time... (or maybe not)
  5. Don't know why but I really hate seeing people chewing gum. And if they blow bubbles. Aarrggg... one of my pet hates.
  6. I'm curious to know what the taste is like. Changing the subject a little, but recently I had some of those dark senbe crackers that had big chunks of sugar coating it and it was really yummy.
  7. In the car - Chemical Brothers & Seal III In the stereo at home - some Ibiza chilled out collection
  8. Funny that, didn't people think he'd do well because he "knew Japan" more than the other bloke?
  9. GOing to go against all the rest here but I never liked it. I don't suppose I gave it much of a chance, but the few I have seen way back didn't really strike me as being that ace.
  10. I used to jog, but got a problem with my knee. When I was resting from the jogging I started going to the gym - and continued until now. Take care, don't overdo it.
  11. It improves mine - -- but I'm glad its not mine. Don't it get in the way, like? Fantastic discussion
  12. I think I picked a good handle, Tuffs - thanks in part to that salt on apple thread in the other section!
  13. At last. I am here. It was a dream until recently.
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