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Everything posted by crazyski

  1. tuque-boy, you crazy canadian, you gotta make a member's page first, yo!
  2. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: There are a number of people in the world that I hate. One the of the biggest is a president of a certain country. The others would be varying polititions who will also remain namless. I take it that country is Canada. I would hate too if I wrote the following sentence in a public forum: Quote: The others would be varying polititions who will also remain namless. God bless America or something.
  3. I took mine to hong kong, left it on, and no problems!
  4. Don't know about the trip, but the DJ they have for the party licks. He's the same guy they had for the AET soccer tourney and he talked (without any music) for some ridiculous amount of time...nobody was listening... Anyways, hopefully the skiing will be good...
  5. carhartt duckwork overalls and a safety-orange down hunting jacket. and a red, green, and white striped wool HAT with one of those puffball thingies on top. a facemask when its cold. you'll know who i am...
  6. oh yeah, I forgot to mention I am way jealous of you, danz. Where did you get your V explosive's? They don't sell them new here in Japan this year. What's even worse, they don't market the volkl v-pro in a 190 here. GRRRRRRR! Why couldn't Japanese people do like Americans - eat McDonalds for 2 meals a day, get fat and need the stability of a longer ski?!?
  7. Yeah, teledude, I second the alpine gear reccomendation. When I skied Alta, most tele-ers were on alpine boards. a favorite was the bandit xxx (now the b3, maybe?) - foamcore and fat. Here's a pic of I guy I worked with on Alta's website: Maybe he's changed skis?!? Anyway, I saw a lot of people riding on Atomics, too. Maybe if I gain some inheritance or something, I can get set up with new alpine AND tele gear. Otherwise, I gotta stick with my 10 year old skinny bump skis as tele skis...
  8. I remember listening to a certain Jack Johnson song over and over and over while making laps in Utah once. I thought I had heard it on a ski vid, but I probably heard it on a surf vid, 'cause that's what Jack Johnson does - surf vids. I like music.
  9. Yeah, Mongolia is good stuff...but its lacking in the steep department. I had one of the most epic runs of my life off Genghis Kahn on the west side of China Bowl a few years back. Consistent, steep pitch, bad vis (so no people) and about 30 inches of fresh. Sick, it was. And then Vail Associates had to go and build ANOTHER high speed quad right over it, the Sun Up express or whatever its called. Damn the man!
  10. My fam was in Vail for the Thanksgiving Holiday, and not very much of the terrain was open, but the snow was decent, they said. I'm from the MN, and I had a friend that drove back home from Park City, UT alone and he didn't start 'til like 10pm. But this was the same guy who made a winter road trip from MN to Seattle via Fernie over three weeks, and this year, from April to October, he was hiking the Continental Divide Trail, just for fun. The CDT is the one from Mexico to Canada, approximately 4500 km. He was the only one to do it in full from south to north this year. Anyways, you
  11. Man, I miss Treble Cone. I loved hiking up above the T-bar. Good stuff.
  12. Let's hope you optimistic powderhounds have it right, eh? The first snow happens now...a foot and counting, 1/3 of the way til the top lifts open.
  13. I think it was me with the constant snowdance ideas. sounds like a plan. i'll go get the vodka for gifu, you come to my house. CHEERS!
  14. Silly, silly networks. Just wrote a eloquent little reply that just got erased. Anywho, I agree with ya, FattieTwins, I'll be skiing no matter what climatology has to say about it, as long as there's snow and I have knees. The global warming thing is all about awareness, it just bothers the hell out of me when people make big statements without knowing the scientific perspective (I'm not referring to anybody on SnowJapan). The press does this all the time, and they should all be smacked for it.
  15. So, who thinks Niseko will have some decent snow when we're all there later this month?
  16. I was hitching in NZ once and got picked up by the stunt crew on the south island while they were shooting one of the movies. It was cool. Those types are badasses. I was sitting next to a female stunt crew member when I asked if they get to play with real swords. She turned her head and pointed out a massive cut on the side of her face. Badass. The two dudes in front were hardcore, too. Driver - taught martial arts in Thailand. Passenger - was ex-NZ SAS. They told me they were wondering whether or not to pick me up, but decided that if they didn't like me, between them th
  17. Quote: Originally posted by Fattwins: No staying here. In general great seasons everywhere cant happen magine that luck with the warming factor. The season will come and lets judge it after the fact. Fattietwins, what is this warming factor you're talking about? Global warming? If so, I've got a scientific thing or two to say about that: First, this is an obviously very general term. Temperatures averaged around the globe will very likely rise through the next century. However, local temperatures weather conditions will be very difficult to predict...it may likely get colder and mor
  18. Nope, ex-husband and wife, i do believe. They tried to keep that ambigious for awhile, though. Jack's pretty much the brains behind the outfit, cause he writes the songs and used to be a drummer, anyway.
  19. Here are some pics from the White Stripes show (although they're low quality):
  20. Yeah, I caught the White Stripes in October in Nagoya. Show was short, but venue and music was good. Yup, its just the two of them. Plucky: are you from near Nebraska? I read somewhere how good a music scene they have there, post-311.
  21. The one performance I really enjoyed was Cruise in "Magnolia". Well-played, and he didn't have to play a character everybody liked. An chauvinistic bastard with a heart.
  22. Teledude, unfortunately, I'm not from CO, just learned to ski there, in Eagle county (at the now-overpriced resorts of Vail and Beaver Creek). I'm from the cursed flatlands of Minnesota. Believe it or not, the state turns out some pretty decent pinheads. Sometimes, I wish I could say this: Me: I uh, I don't like my job, and, uh, I don't think I'm gonna go anymore. Someone Else: You're just not gonna go? Me: Yeah. Someone Else: Won't you get fired? Me: I don't know, but I really don't like it, and, uh, I'm not gonna go. Someone Else: So you're gonna quit? Me: Nah-
  23. Matty, I'll be coming around the mountain when there's snow. You got any of that stored in your garage? I still am new skiless, and i gotta get my bindings fixed before i ski any soft snow. perhaps next week. i'll get some turns in the wkd. of the 12-13, maybe. i still think everyone should do a snow dance. 10pm tonight, will work, after we're all nicely lubed (on beer and whatnot).
  24. what a vicious waste of a few hours. pulled some pretty sick tail-grabbing quads, though. its fun to watch him crash...
  25. ah, ender, your signatures are always entertaining. "old school" a couple weeks ago, and now "office space." good stuff, good stuff.
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