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Everything posted by crazyski

  1. ender, danz, dane -- i'll be in whistler (now with toque) on the night of the 30th. you guys should stick around, we'll be skiing dec 31, jan 1, 2, 3. i've sent a couple emails to danz, but he must be busy building missles and stuff.
  2. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: Yes I will Tateyama the Karasawa Valley, Norikura and other places around the north alps that are to many to list or learn the names of. egh, imagine the smell of that tent! toque will be happy 'bout that, though, because people will stay away and leave more tracks for him. what a lonely life, nonetheless...
  3. I've seen lots of girls that ski with serious style, and it seems that a disporportianate number are giving telemarking a go, and are doing a pretty sweet job of it, too. I agree with sava, too -- there are a bunch of girls that are way better skiers than they think, and have a really good time skiin' smooth lines. And there's little sexier than a girl that carves smooth lines...
  4. thanks dizzy, i'll check it out when i find the time. loans + new boards and equpiment don't usually add up, though...
  5. you guys never have cameras on the sick weekends... makes me question if it really was so sick? or am i just jealous that i'm not there? probably the latter. boo hoo. tahoe in 3 weeks, though. gonna get my day total into double digits, at least. i know, i'm lame.
  6. hmmm..., don't know how that works (1018kg/cubic meter). how could a cubic meter of snow be heavier than a cubic meter of water? Especially when nice, dry, fresh snow is only 5% moisture? Anyone?
  7. dizzy, if only i knew what raging buffalo and vila oliva were... as for the no time post-med school thing, i plan fully to have some free time. ER docs work on shifts, often twelve 12-hour shifts a month. that's like JET hours. Then the ER docs can volunteer to be expedition docs in the himalaya, antarctica and such. that's the plan...
  8. yeah, yama, i imagine about the novas. i met a guy in the states that was about to head over on nova, but i didn't want to break the bad news to him. figure he'd find out. about me, not to beat this in the ground, but med school wouldn't let me defer for yet another year -- too bad as it is...
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: Nagareha out of Kamioka Will be fun with friends. But I'm not with anybody that can rip. dude, what you talking about? jenny can rip. we should get her on here. she could hang out with slow, phat luv, slow, and girl with a beard. imagine that!
  10. Quote: Originally posted by Yamakashi: is nagoya considered part of kansai? i'm gonna go with "no" on that one. i'm sure nagoya-jin would think that'd be pretty funny. i've heard nagoya is also known as inaka-shi. anyone else heard this?
  11. heheheh, toque-boy. lame, eh? ...um...well...i don't really have much to combat that with. any skier that voluntarily lives a thousand miles from decent mountains must be lame. what was i thinking?
  12. then happy birthday, flipside! toque, i always thought that pic was shane mcConkey. don't know why, probably because you had a quote from him on your signature for awhile. my avatar is really me...on teles. yeah, and winter goes by way too fast. gonna be the case even more with stupid global warming. was thinking about a bc trip to oregon for spring break, but the NW US is snowless. just like danz says.
  13. yup, jan/feb is best. season's pretty much done in honshu by mid march, at least for light pow. i took one weekend off last year in jan/feb. even though it was to check out shanghai, i still regret missing out.
  14. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: My friend Matt is out skiing right now. He said yesturday was the best day of his season. And the best since an amazing day last January. dude, what day in january last year? is that the one i supposedly missed? or that day we shot video at nagereha? yeah, i just looked at snow maps of japan and sure wish i were there instead of studying innervation of the oropharynx. hopefully utah gets snow in the next week...for my sanity's sake.
  15. that's almost exactly where i used to live, girl with a beard. SW of gifu city. but i was a guy with a beard.
  16. dang, danz, that sucks a nut. should've met up with you in whistler in december. the skiing was pretty weak, but not as weak as it's become. good to hear you're alright. i've always wondered how most of us have skiied for years relatively scratch free. Maybe we all have a big fluke injury like this waiting in our future. let's hope not. headin' to alta a week from thursday. i'm gettin a bit worried, cause they haven't gotten a day of 6in+ for like 3 weeks. if you coerce gandalf to conjure up some snow, i'll send you some pics!
  17. happyhappy, Alta's in Utah, not far from Park City, the site of many 2002 Olympic events. It's in a different valley with its own microclimate, so it gets more than 200cm more snow than Park City does. Headin' there in a couple weeks, and I'm pumped. BTW, where you at in Gifu? I used to be there, but not anymore... " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />
  18. Quote: Originally posted by Teledude: Be careful, you don't want to offend some of the ripping Norwegians who definitely KNOW that Telemark skiing began in Telemark, Norway way back when. Yeah, Norwegians have it in their genes (but I guess I'm half-Norwegian, and I certainly don't have the skills...). I entered this university competition in New Zealand in 2000, complete with GS, slalom, skiercross and big air, and this dude from Norway beat me and most of the field handily in GS and slalom, and got to the final heat of the skiercross -- all on teles. It was pretty sick to watch.
  19. ah, i remember that party -- sort of. had to walk home the 4 clicks after acting like the drunk sketch-head gaijin all night. Japanese girls -- STAY AWAY (especially if toque is there)! You've been warned.
  20. Best place I've been by a longshot is Alta. Most snow (1300cm/yr+), driest snow, sickest terrain -- a lot of it requiring a short hike to keep beaters away, best skiiers, lots of telemarkers, good vibe (and still relatively cheap). If you wanna spend the money, the Alta/Snowbird pass is probably the best concentraion of terrain in N. America. My 2 cents.
  21. Busted my alpine boots last year in Niseko, so my really cheap, second hand tele setup got some use. Since I had just bought new alpines while in Sapporo (just before the Niseko trip), I broke down and bought new alpine boots while in Niseko. I wonder what the tele skills would be like if I sold those brand new skis and went tele 100%... So I've been tele-ing (sure, that's a word) since '01, and the days have been split about 70/30 alpine/tele since then. I made a bit of a breakthrough last season and had a really good time on the teles, at least on the groomed and in light pow.
  22. Quote: Originally posted by Toque: We will see. If this keeps up I will start to plan a nice trip into a hut I know of. still keeping that place secret, eh toque? some good lines to be had in there, for sure. did i ever show you that pic i took from the airplane on my way back from iwate? bet you could scope lines with that. i think this no snow/rain thing is a worldwide phenomenon -- i'm in whistler currently, and have to rely on hittin' on japanese girls (of which there are heaps here) for my entertainment...
  23. thanks for that, fatty. i thought that might happen. toque, 2 more finals to go, then i'm off on thursday after a heavy day of much-deserved drinking. first day will be sunday. they finally got a bit of snow, too, but they need more...
  24. Here it is, the Midwestern quiver for never skiing in the midwest: Left -- 02-03 Volkl V-Pro 190 Right -- old-ass Pre (now defunct) m5b 185 with voile tele bindings
  25. i certainly don't enjoy you toque. but the sweet ryhthms of mb make it all good. ...and stay away from the ricky martin.
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