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Everything posted by flipside

  1. Speaking vids... What does everyone use for editing and storing their precious memories?
  2. I have the Canon and I could get an English Manual for it. They sent it to the factory to have the OS in it changed to English. Seems to be alright the now. Somehow I wonder if there is a small department in the big companies that research how to make all the electronic equipment fail after a while so you have to upgrade. I got tired of the Sony 'one and only' policy a few years back.
  3. Basically I'll throw anything in a wok and fry it. Is that sexy?
  4. Quote: Originally posted by Yamakashi: flipside, hiroshima style is da bomb eh! da bomb!
  5. You should train him in basics first. I suggest things like Yaki-soba and Okonomiyake (gourmet Hiroshima style). Pastas and fried rices are easy. I am in the same boat as Yamakashi, need to increase my cooking repetoire. I really enjoy cooking once I start cooking.
  6. The only time I went boarding in Scotland was at Nevis Range. A beautiful Scottish day weather wise, pouring rain. Coming down the mountain felt like surfing a little bit!! Surfing in winter...argh!
  7. Got to say, I wore one once. The big fat nasty cold-sore on my face had a lot to do with it though. Didn't want to scare the kiddies at school.
  8. Yeah, Slow, would love to go some time again, but alas, for me it's usually too far. I am enjoying Tokyo for a wee while.
  9. Yeah baby. The Room. It was cool. Nice friendly little club with some cool sounds. I recommend it. Slow, were you there?
  10. I was in Womb last night and think I saw a girl still doing the パラパラ. I'm a little over trance though, to tell you the truth.
  11. If I do no exercise but elbow-bending I get a little pot belly but can't put on weight anywhere else. Must be my high metabolism or something. Eat rice!
  12. Kruder and Dorfmeister Love thase smoothe sounds. Do you think there'll be many crew at the Truby gig?
  13. All this is making me consider becoming a 'leech' and not share. I learned these phrases in 'geek-theivery class 101'. How do you stop the bitorrents? I'm growing paranoid.
  14. Maybe his story is true and he's just gone a bit mental cause of the stress of hiding out from the governmenet?? not.
  15. Looks like I'm slower than Slow. So Yama, maybe KJM at the Room, Guest, thanks for the advice. Probably a hit and miss chance on anywhere we go,huh? Yama, you like KJM that much, what is it? jazzy house?
  16. Sexy, are you listening? I don't really know if she dances or not but had no information on where it's at in Tokyo when I asked her. hmmm. Yama - Yeah Yellow looks cool and the KJM are having a party (maybe at The Room) on Saturday. I also thought Womb looked worth checkin out. Ohnishi and Tommy Wada are playing. farq - do they have a jacuzzi??
  17. Quote: Originally posted by maoriboy: Surprisingly Ive never not been able to find my way home after a big night out...I reckon its my innate homing pigeon type ability I call that the beer-compass. Oh how many times has it helped us from sleeping on the pavement. Gets you home but doesnt always get you into your pyjamas.
  18. Quote: Originally posted by grungy-gonads: Shochu, you like that stuff? Keh! I put that stuff in my car. The good thing about shouchu is you can mix it how you like it with water (hot or cold). The water lessens the hangover symptoms I believe. And, you can 'put that stuff in your car', he he. I recommend Zanpa Shouchu (green label, a light Okinawan variety). Or the Kurokirishima (green carton) on the rocks perhaps with a splash of spring water. In Winter about 40/60 spirit/hot water (Oyuwari)
  19. Didnt see 3. Two looked good, but really if you try and understand the theory of the matrix, it means nothing I'm sure.
  20. Looking at what would be a good club to go to in Tokyo this Saturday. I enjoy progressive house/ tech-house / techno. But where would there be a dance floor with people getting down to it. I'm only in town for the weekend so don't really want to waste time looking for fun. Any help? I don't think Sexy dances very well.
  21. What kind of email account was it, Kintaro? Was it your home PC address?
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