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Everything posted by window-cleaner

  1. Hey I'm a good mate of TJ OZ as well and wanting to help promote his place as craftily as possible. You got any space for, er, any time this season mate? (Don't worry as soon as the thread gets off the first page of the Forums I'll post something again to make sure people can still see it). Your mate window-cleaner
  2. So.... anyone seen it yet? I hear no reviews before it opened. Clever marketing all round.
  3. I can see the funny side but not sure I'd find it too funny if I was on an already very delayed flight and it caused a tons of problems.
  4. Is there a custom of people buying 'rounds' of drinks over in Japan?
  5. If you could only choose between early December or mid-April for a ski trip to Japan, which would you choose? Thanks!
  6. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3971282962934528439 What's it called?
  7. Real apparently http://www.ebaumsworld.com/bk.html
  8. This Is Spinal Tap. for maybe the 10th time. Still class.
  9. Quote: a CD "to wash the dishes to". and what kind of songs are on there?!
  10. I'm not vegetarian (could easily be) but I would never touch any of the meat served up on a plane. The few times I did way back it was truly scary. Have they improved over the last 10 years or so?
  11. My Japanese is awful but I'm really interested in the kanji, they are fascinating.
  12. I'm in the States at the mo - have just seen the new Superman. I really liked it. A bit long but if you are a Supes fan you will probably like this. The new guy does a great job in the role and Spacey is good (as he usually is) as Lex. Great effects. The Supes music in there bringing back lots of memories. Worth watching in the movie theater I think.
  13. What's the World Cup?? (I'm in the US at the moment, not even on the radar over here).
  14. That looks just incredible. (Doesn't look very petite from here!)
  15. I've heard about those big ones at Nozawa and Happo. I do avoid them myself as much as possible!
  16. OK I was hoping the crew could help me out. Looking for a good concentration of steep slopes, at resorts, without moguls (or as much as possible without them). Where would you recommend?
  17. Really looking forward to that Australia Japan game.
  18. He's nearly as good at dancing as I am. Whatever happend to MC Hammer more like?
  19. I've not started yet, still early. Fingers crossed for snow this weekend
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