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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by its-a-clock

  1. Yuzawa - hope to take in Kagura, Naeba and maybe another place.
  2. There is only season 1 and 2. They are doing a couple of christmas specials in the uk this week. Then thats it. Over. Finished.
  3. My Japanese friend has Fischer skis and swears by them. He wouldn't touch any others.
  4. Anyone seen this movie? Another one set in Japan, but actually supposed to be quite good.
  5. I'm sure many buildings in many cities were deemed to "not fit in" with the existing skyline before they were built.....
  6. You should have a big choice up there - almost wherever you are - no need to worry unless you are Big Foot.
  7. I'm going round for a few beers tonight, so I'll let you know if I get any news for tomorrow
  8. I just saw an article on CNN that said the average US budget for gifts this season was something like $580 per adult. So how do you measure up? I'm obviously a miser.
  9. Hanko sure is omoshiroi, but a pain in the but. I never seem to have it when I need it and can't find the thing. I'm really crap at keeping things at hand.
  10. Those who voted for "print" - what you looking at then?
  11. They won't be well-respected if they keep on doing things like that. I can just imagine the "get in the back seat of the car" routine. Feel like a convict.
  12. Try this one. I was given a banana with salt on it once as well.
  13. They all look like the pants my great grandfather wears in the house
  14. I don't trust these J doctors. See the other thread (old boyfriend one)
  15. Unassisted most likely? Not much over 36 hrs for me. I really need my sleep.
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