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Everything posted by js

  1. Quote: Originally posted by akibun: What is "bling"? Thanks to Wikipedia: 'Bling-bling is a hip hop slang term which refers to expensive jewelry and other accoutrements, and also to an entire lifestyle built around excess spending and ostentation.'
  2. They were once very trendy, just like mother-of-pearl buttons, but thankfully they've lost their shine. For me they're just another unnecessary item to lose or snag on things. Also, I dislike bling - putting it on and taking it off shites me, so only ever wear functional 'jewellery' like a watch, etc.
  3. O11: nice block-of-dirt. Interested to know how many sqm it is? Being that close to a graveyard, glad you're into the 'no dig' method of gardening! Looks like it may have good Feng Shui characteristics too - if ya believe in that stuff Regarding that chin-up bar you're interested in - the ultimatechinningbar.com one: A few years ago, at a previous job, we progressively updated a work gym in the basement, and purchased a similar designed bar that dynabolted to the besa (hollow) brick wall. It proved very effective, particularly if it's projected far enough from the
  4. Isn't it amazing though, the first thing the Yank Government does with it is produce a military vehicle! (A-Holes!!) At face value it has fantastic potential to solve all current energy issues.
  5. Georgie-Boy is having a sell-off it would seem? (Always wanted to own a personalised WMD bunker - AKA Dr.No et al ... wonder if there is any contamination at these sites?) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4455060285 http://www.missilebases.com/properties/index.html
  6. Quote: Originally posted by Creek Boy: >miha hut? Miharashi hut? Yep. The one with all the flags about mid-way up the front slope, adjacent to the one person chairlift.
  7. Lost my ski glove inners at Niseko - went to lunch at the Miha. Hut two days later - someone had found them and hung 'em over the fuel stove to dry out! (Honest and considerate the Japanese are!)
  8. Quote: Originally posted by nicole: Apparently my worst habit is leaving half-filled glasses of water lying around the house. That, and cracking my back. I know it's probably not good for me but once you start you can't stop. Good to see your glasses are 'half-full' rather than half-empty How exactly do you crack your back? ... I don't have any bad habits, but am adopting a couple as a work-in-progress just to be sociable.
  9. Strange indeed, sounds like your employer is a weirdo-voyeur!! Anyway, I'd answer: If I were a woman, I'd be a Lesbian ... because I really like women. That should perhaps confuse the proverbial outta them. Failing that, state what Beanie-Boy suggested.
  10. Perhaps they're posing as different members? Like Le Spud and Ocean11 - too much alike ... maybe they're simply related! (Bad Cop, Worse Cop)
  11. In order – the Official Website, Video/Audio Streaming, and, download site: http://www.melbourne2006.com.au/Channels/ http://www.melbourne2006.com.au/Video+and+Audio/ http://m2006.bigpond.com/
  12. Those things were part of a story written by the famous cartoonist Leunig - it was a childs dream which encapsulated modern society and aboriginal dreaming, the getting of wisdom and growth. At face value it was weird, but with the above storyline it was quite nice. (Personally, I dislike Leunig - too touchy-feely for me, but the fleshing-out of his story was well done.)
  13. Soubriquet is correct and reveals the most important facet of world politics - the wheel turns. 1st the French arrogance thought their superior fire power and technology could beat a bunch of rice farmers, but they got their asses kicked. 2nd - in comes the Yanks with the same attitude ... they get theirs wiped. The Yanks have never been good at fighting guerilla warfare and never will be due to the makeup of their armed forces. We're seeing it in Iraq - hit and run tactics are what won the day in Vietnam and against the Ruskies in Afghanistan. I hope the Yanks aren't stupi
  14. Well, they just had the Opening Ceremony in Melbourne - wasn't too bad or overly cringeworthy. The symbolism was okay for a change. Some of the entertainment was pretty good, particularly The Cat Empire, The Church, and Delta-Babe. Let the fun begin.
  15. Too bad Bat girl - get well soon. The old adage: ‘Feed a cold and starve a fever’ has recently been proven to be correct. So, if you’ve got the ‘real deal’, drink lots of fluids, take aspirin etc to treat the symptoms, and stay in bed. Forget what the majority of people do – get prescribed medicines which do nothing but lower your immune system, help make ‘super bugs’, and infect others in the Doctors Waiting Room! A shot or two of rum in warm sweetened milk is good to make you sleep … can’t hurt, eh?! (I remember raising blood acidity levels is good for killing bugs also e
  16. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: What else would you recommend? (Quick, you have 30 seconds...) How about Paul Hogan, Dame Edna and a bunch of camels walking across a beach? (Post Mardi Gras connotations too!)
  17. A mate of ours is a 6'4'' fat bastard - he went over a very small divet in the snow at near walking speed and both of his K2 ski's cracked just at the nose of the front bindings ... very funny to watch as he picked 'em up and the front sections were swinging in the breeze! Another friend had her ski boots for several years - she was walking along one morning and they literally fell to pieces with each step taken - leaving a trail of white plastic shards.
  18. Yes it is VERY cring-worthy, but like Viv & Kev said - it's certainly getting a load of publicity. A 'true' Aussie would've said: 'F**K OFF, WE'RE FULL!'
  19. $278 for a pair of jeans??!! (No wonder the model couldn't afford a shirt!) I prefer cargo's: 1. Lets you into Clubs where jeans sometimes won't 2. No bum bike rack to show when bending over 3. Can actually fit things into the pockets 4. Don't shrink up to your shins, and into certain orrifices, after a coupla washes. 5. No unhealthy constraints on the ol test-eagles.
  20. The ones we've experienced in J-Land were always well-mannered and professional - communication skills sometimes lacking but we're the fly-ins after all. Similarly, the same goes for Oz, USA, Canada and NZ. At the end of the day, they know we're out there for fun, and their aim is to maintain enjoyment for all users.
  21. Quote: Originally posted by nicole: Really, July? I've always found August to be better in terms of snowfall. Which NZ resort is your favourite? Yes, August is generally the best for weather and snow conditions in Oz. Have done the four ski fields around Queenstown NZ - not Mt. Hutt. Ah, have fond memories of Q-Town ... And also skied Wakapapa & Turoa in the North Island. Give Wakapapa a go - in good conditions (which we had a week of!) it was REALLY good. (Turoa was pretty iffy) Accommodation is close-by in the township of 'National Park' - a ten minute scenic drive (n
  22. I reckon Batgirl is on track there - perhaps THEY gave them to you because they know you haven't had any PT action in 18 months, and it's a not-so-subtle hint e.g. 'get these filled'! Since he replied `Oh, i guess you could wear them` , he's probably saying 'DOH' to himself and having a real good laugh with his girlfiend about you not getting the hint. You should get them an equally suggestive (and mutually funny) present in response - that way you'll quell any misgivings.
  23. Quote: Originally posted by slow: Should I get green or orange? Orange wasn't so bad but I liked green... Get Orange - I like the green too, but if you ski trees or BC, you wanna be visible. People who wear all white or grey are accidents waiting to happen. Quote: Some clothing are on sale except for those jackets I want to buy... Ain't that ALWAYS the case!
  24. Fig and Ginger jam - mmmmmm. Home made grape jam - mmmmmm Rach, believe it or not, tomatoes make REALLY good jam e.g. tomato & passionfruit, tomato & pineapple, etc. The acid in the tomatoes cuts the sweetness of the other ingredients, making a well balanced product. It may sound weird but it does taste great - give it a go when tomatoes are cheap or home-grown.
  25. Quote: Originally posted by nicole: SubZero, I'm actually from Brissy but I will check it out anyway. Sunrise has also given me a contact from down south which I'll be looking into. I'm willing to spend a fair bit but nothing too crazy. Holy Shite Batman, BrisVegas!! How do you peeps put up with skiing in Oz - the distance and all? Have met a few from Qld and WA who ride - what a travel nightmare. (I can see why you're interested in J-Land - you're closer to their ski fields than ours.) The top-of-the-line injection moulded Stroltz's will set ye back about $1,000 - but th
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