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Everything posted by slow

  1. Frozen margarita after a long ride tastes sooooo good. Safe ride after drinking and don't forget to wear your helmet, guys
  2. On the way to Haneda airport on my road bike last weekend, I saw a guy on a cruiser from the bridge. He was just taking off his bathing trunks... Probably he didn't notice me on the bridge but really annoying... surprising.
  3. I was a liar, Kataoka →Katagai in Niigata diameter before launch 120m !! →120cm sorry...
  4. Kataoka(in Niigata) has the biggest display in the world, (4 shaku-dama) diameter 120m 420kg before launch, diameter 800m in the sky. People say Omagari(in Akita) has the best fireworks competition and the number of displays, Osaka PL school is the most. I'd like to see the biggest one in Niigata. 800m in the sky! can't imagine how big it is.
  5. Nice pictures, Goemon. How did you take those pictures? Tripod and action mode? I missed those local beach Hanabis in my hometown and can't go to Tokyo bay either..., probably Jingu Hanabi is the only one I can go this summer. Yokohama has the big one tomorrow, doesn't it? If Yokohama stadium has a game tomorrow night, it is the best place. You can enjoy both baseball and fireworks.
  6. I am invited to three days sailing trip in August. I'm so excited! How's your boat fjef?
  7. I thought Iwatake had downhill course before(maybe 5 or more years ago), not any more?? Nozawa onsen has downhill marathon in August. http://www.janis.or.jp/users/nozawa/0819g-downhill/index.htm You can downhill Fujisan, too.
  8. Wikipedia is useful in any language I think. Sport: A number of major sports originated in the United Kingdom, including association football (soccer), rugby football (rugby), golf, cricket, tennis and boxing. The most popular sport in the UK is association football, usually referred to as just "football". The UK does not compete as a nation in any major football tournament. Instead, the home nations compete individually as England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is because of this unique four-team arrangement that the UK currently does not compete in footba
  9. Wikipedia is so useful! http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AE%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9 国名 正式名称は、The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(英語: ザ・ユナイテッド・キングダム・オブ・グレート 539;ブリテン・アンド・ノーザン・アイルランド)。 通称は、United Kingdom。略称は、UK。 日本語の表記は、グレートブリテンおよび北アイ 523;ランド連合王国。かつては、「グレートブリテン および北部アイルランド連合王国」と表記される 371;とが多かったが(日本国との平和条約における日 本語正文などを参照)、現在ではあまり見かけな 367;なった。通称は、イギリスや英国(えいこく)が 一般的。他に連合王国やUKとも呼ばれる。漢字によ 12427;当て字で、英吉利と表記され、英と略される。 幕末における江戸幕府との交渉の際には猊利太尼 124;(ぶりたにあ)、諳尼利亜(あんぐりあ)と呼称 されていた。その後イングランドを表すオランダ# 486;のEngelsch(エンゲルス)またはポルトガル語のIngles(イ 12531;グレス)が訛り、「エゲレス」または「イギ
  10. hmmm... really? money for the hotel opening ceremony? Why???? Opening partie is a kind of sales promotion, isn't it? The hotel company should bear all expenses for the party and I don't think they expect any income from the party. Our parties are usually very casual. When we had opening party(Hotel, Gallery, Boutique) in Tokyo and Shanghai, we invited more than 100 guests and never got money from them. When our client has a party and we invited, we send flowers but not money.
  11. Don't tell ME, soubriquet! You should say it to your local government or you can do NPO activity to make your town prettier. Citizen action works sometimes. A designer in my office had to do outline design and volume calculation on the site located under the highline. She researched the risk of the cancer. WHO guide says there is very low percentage of causing childhood cancer, it is very low but still there is a possibility. She was reluctant to work for this plan and decided to tell the boss we shouldn't deal with this kind of project/site. I think she did the right thing. Nobo
  12. Who would want to pay this cost? Goverment or TEPCO or developer or customer? TEPCO(electric company in your area) usually is willing to bury wires if developer has a project like "SWITCH! All-Denka" (only electricity, no gas!) houses there. (I definately need fire for cooking!!) I think there are few Japanese people who cares about electric wire. Even my friend architectures don't care about it...
  13. Is it only my area or my apartment? I can tell the earthquake coming these days. I hear the earth sounds from the bottom, outside or somewhere. I never had this experience before moving to Tokyo...
  14. Ezorisu, do you really like Okinawa soba!? I am just back from Okinawa and Okinawa soba is a kind of udon, isn't it? Okinawa changed a lot in this 10years but one thing hasn't changed. Very poor food culture... However old people who eat local food everyday have long life, that's good. I like rice or couscous better than noodles.
  15. I've just remembered candle night this year. Tokyo Tower turns off the illumination tomorrow night. And there are many events and parties on Wednesday, the day of summer solstice. http://www.candle-night.org/english/what/index.html
  16. Quote: Originally posted by Tohoku bum: cb, last incident was in January. Serviceman beat a Japanese women to a pulp and stole the cash in her wallet from her, leaving her to die from internal bleeding. The serviceman is being tried BY THE JAPANESE for murder (a first--because of past incidents, the American military no longer enjoy extra-territoriality). This happened in my hometown Yokosuka, not in Okinawa, CB.
  17. Quote: Originally posted by le spud: So not sure what to do for the rest of the season. Get a road bike! Giro d'Italia!
  18. I can't wait to jump in the outdoor pool after a bike ride!
  19. It's because the wisdom tooth is upper left and I can't brush around it well. I decided to have it taken out and did it today. It was easy, no pain and not so much blood. Disinfectant treatment tomorrow and my dental care is going to be finished. I'm sad...
  20. I see, it was suspension. I worried about the wooden floor bouncing. Was the sound was OK at super deluxe?
  21. JP, were you dancing in front of the stage? It was nice festival! Lotus was good and Chris Pierce at the blue stage was great! More than the festival itself, I was so impressed by that hall, Yokohama Internatinonal Ferry Terminal. What a cool architecture! http://www.flickr.com/photos/mitsubako/sets/1641965/show/
  22. My dentist has been asking me if she can pull out my wisdom tooth or not. She wants to do it. I know she is such a good dentist... but, scary...
  23. Thanks for the pictures, Toque and SC. It is beautiful place, I'd love to try next year. Toque, did she go alone on Sunday?
  24. It doesn't matter whether men or women, some are attentive and some are not. Don't expect anything from those non attentive people. I really don't like those women who think they are 'career' oriented and don't want to chore in the office.
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