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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by nekobi

  1. i have hotmail, but i dont have any problems with spam. maybe bc i've got a weird addy (with _ and numbers and nonnames)??
  2. yeah i know of other town halloween parties (ie the big one in shiojiri) celebrating this weekend rather than on the 31st. easier to do it the saturday before rather than on november 1st. and whats the fun in just hiring a costume? you gotta work on it and put it together. 100yen shop is full of gems.
  3. yeah i'm a bit worried too. have been driving on the left for over a year now and i'm going back to the us next month for thankgiving. am renting a car for a 6hr drive on the right.... figure with other cars on the road they will keep me in line.
  4. yeah nofakie i saw that car at noz a few times. definitely some serious boarders/skiers there.
  5. check out the main picture on salon today- uncle sam with some rap hands...
  6. although i do like the pickled things here, i miss some nice klaussen's dill pickles so much! when i was living in the states i would go thru at least a jar a week. oh my mouth is watering now just thinking about them...
  7. haha i've had the dvd since the beginning of sept. got my sister to pick me up a pirated copy in thailand. so nice to have it bc i think it takes many viewing to understand whats happening. the final installment will be out soon....
  8. i had safari quit on me yesteday. not sure why- had a bunch of windows open? but wasnt a problem bc i didn't lose anything.
  9. banan-o-rama i heard they are somehow related to wilson phillips? can anyone shed some light on this?
  10. i got holy crap you suck i blame it on drinking beers from a can here. also, was very happy to see my fav beer- yuengling. oh how i miss it.
  11. i didn't know about it either til i read it elsewhere on the forum. so it's not really offensive to me.
  12. yeah i saw that one-- it was surprisingly enjoyable. johnny depp was v good in it.
  13. yeah the constantly come in and out to drop off notebooks, etc to be marked. i hear prolly a million shitsurei shimasu-es a day.
  14. i saw those at laox the other day. i think they advertised it costs something like 15yen an hour for electricity. i could be totally off though...
  15. ooooh yeah, i just got a 20gb i pod last night!! totally love it, but i can't believe i already have 9 gb of music!
  16. sweet! i was planning to go to hiroshima this weekend anyways!
  17. that must have been freaky to be in the audience that night. i read someone saying that he looked like a ragdoll being dragged by the neck. ouch!
  18. i always wear slippers when i cook. otherwise my feet get a little wet from water from the cutting board etc. but the slippers always fall off when i go upstairs.
  19. psychology. am in the process of applying to grad schools at the moment. gonna go for a phd in social/cross-cultural cognitive psych. kinda scary and am starting to feel the pressure of applications
  20. you are really getting annoyed at your computer, eh? seriously, it's time to switch to mac!!! yes, you will have occasional crashes, but not bad ones. i run into much more problems with the pcs at work. the worst on my ibook are with imovie, so i save constantly as i work. other than that, i have no compaints. just excitement about safari, itunes, imovie. am gonna buy an ipod tonight. switch and make your life much less stressful.
  21. kamo- you mean you don't expect women to be on the pill? man, i can't to go home and get a scrip for Seasonale . I'll gladly mess with my hormones to get my period only 4 times a year!! will make life much simpler.
  22. right on jared- the pizza mans at lawson's rock!
  23. no, seriously it has. my friend teaches in hakuba, and she saw a bit at the top last week.
  24. you really should figure out where you're travelling first to see if it's worth it. when my friend visited in the summer, he went tokyo-mie-kyoto-osaka-mie-nagano and it was cheaper just buying shink, bus, and regular train tickets. but i guess having the pass is more convenient.
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