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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by MalcomB

  1. Hi Robert Get as good as you can while you're young and enjoy it! I'm jealous!
  2. Yeah, I've seen pictures of all sorts of mullets - but what exactly IS a mullet? How is it defined?
  3. Yeah but the season at resorts is usually over at the majority in April. Some of the higher places open until Golden Week, right?
  4. I like those too. I bet she was attracting a lot of attention.
  5. Yeah, SF. Think about it... 1 more person died in that train than on the Shuttle. They are no less important..
  6. Is anyone else here rather worried about what might happen if war with Iraq happens, which seems almost 100% certain? Like when Hussein knows his back's up against the wall what he will do? What he has already ordered? What other terrorists will do to join in the fun??? The mind boggles. Anyone else interested in discussing this?
  7. I might be going against the trend here, but I don't find her to be that cute. ... ...
  8. I think you'll find it expensive whichever way you go. But for those home comforts, not much you can do but pay right? It's good to know though that things are no longer out of reach. When I first came here there was almost nothing and no way to get anything from back home. How things have changed.
  9. The place where we stayed in Myoko showed me the clipping yesterday (because I was a foreigner and they were asking me about SJ) - nice one!
  10. We had a good 2 days in Myoko. Tired now, but happy.
  11. Myoko wasn't busy either this weekend. Kinda wierd feeling, weekend and not too busy. They must be hurting surely?
  12. I now sometimes look at them longingly and think of home home.
  13. Hey jared I'm sure I read that one of your ny resolutions was to stop using forums? broken that one already hey )
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