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Everything posted by jared

  1. I think it`s still 1-0 to Kintaro - you might want to have another shot Siren, that was an awful attempt.
  2. Im pretty crap at guessing this sort of thing but... the hill has 500metres vert - it you waste 1/2 of that getting to and from steep bits then you have 250 - 300 metres vert. less for the distant ones mpre for the closer ones depending on if you want to walk or not. What do you reccon Plucky?
  3. Are you sure you dont mean Big Boy Tsondaboy? Havent seen any "big mans" around - perhaps its a level up I should investigate.
  4. as with most of the places I have been in Japan the steeper the line the shorter it is - you can choose the super long but not so steep or you can go for shorter and steeper.
  5. Cant go past the "big boy" brand - with a picture of a horse head on the front to boost your ego. I think that I will take a few packs of those home for gifts. anyone else think that the regular ones here tend to be a little short?
  6. They dont have many "massive vertical steeps" either. The terrain you found in NZ will have been better - but the snow you find here will be much much better. Also if you want to go to Hakuba you may run into some patrol "issues".
  7. you should keep a list of your fav URLs in a text file or in a mail in your email account.
  8. a woman can put a full stop anywhere she likes just before the period. If you tell her otherwise youll be in trouble.
  9. we made one last year and are making one this year. 2 years ago we were jsut playing with the digicam and then decided to get a vid camera. Siem does most of the editing and I do alot of the filming and encoding etc... The people who are in it get to see it at a ski movie party next month and they get a dvd too. Its pretty fun - you should make one.
  10. http://www.geocities.jp/tanitokeiryuusya/SunnyDay.html http://woolong.hp.infoseek.co.jp/
  11. why do girls wear perfume and makeup? Cos they are ugly and they smell bad.
  12. a trailer for this years movie is in the works but I couldn`t say when exactly.
  13. It seems your down to four stars now - that was kind of delayed - I wonder if it was my fault of if someone else had a hand in it. sorry
  14. Toque - Im really sorry. I gave you a one star vote just to see if it would knock you down to 4 stars but it doesnt seem to have made any difference. Then I went back to change it to a more reasonable number and I cant seem to change my vote. I understand if you recipocate. The people at snowjapan are going to think that I secretly don`t like you. It must be fun looking to see who voted what for other members. sj - is it possible to change your vote after you have made it?
  15. My Tiva sandals smell like they are a piece of dead animal - Im considering throwing them away they smell so bad - none of my ther shoes smell bad.
  16. the national scheme sucks and im glad I got out of being on it. Its expensive and only covers 70% of the cost - so if you do yourself in good you are still gonna get a huge bill. 5 minutes on the internet will find you 100% cover for a fraction of the cost.
  17. "Anywhere else you have to have qualifications which usually consists of a 3-4 day course" a bit longer than that if you want a good qualification Toque.
  18. In my exp. its usually old ladies that are in there or mums with kids and dad - nothing terribly exciting if thats what you are after.
  19. High five, High life, soul pourpose, sunny day. Even though they dont have the big budget and its mostly jibbing High Five was my favorite movie this year followed by yearbook.
  20. Not when I delivered them - they went in the mail box. Surely a newspaper would disintergrate into 50 seperate pages if you tried to throw it - and what if its rainig..?
  21. " (a combination of cleaning products and organic solvents etc)" I knew huffing solvents improved my driving - now I have proof.
  22. At Hachimantai they reciently found the body of the person who they were searching for when I was up there in Feb. His body had a broken leg and was not all that far from the ski resort. He simply had an accident, couldent move, froze and was buried in snow.
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