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Everything posted by green

  1. I found some class green ones while I was in the states over summer. Light lime green they are. Cant wait to try them out
  2. He's keeping quiet, and other news organisations are trying not to seem too keen to be happy over it. Yet.
  3. Saw it when I was back in the US just now. Very funny it is, definitely one to watch.
  4. Don't worry, I've seen a fair few the last week or so.
  5. I just put on a bit over summer but I've also taken up going to the gym since the beginning of this month and worked if off.. I know what you mean about the pool - I hate going there, just too many people and too many stares.
  6. I've only seen 1 of the bottom 100. Pretty good going.
  7. When I take things back to my family overseas, they always comments on the beautiful packing that everything has in Japan. It is often very pretty, but I often think it is over the top and wish there was less.
  8. Well if you've got myster's you might not need it to be refreshing.... (perhaps)
  9. peterson - I saw that. They really are calling for a Boycott Canada campaign if Canada don't "take action" on this one.
  10. How often do you get those things? I seem to get one a week (although it might be that I'm not OKing some of them so its sometimes the same one)
  11. I actually have a friend called Kerry Edwards.
  12. me too. I was a bit ketch at first with the aircon, but I was miserable with it. Now it is on a lot of the time, it dont cost that much extra but its definitely worth it.
  13. Stupid question time. How do you actually get up there??
  14. Are these in paperback, I can only see hardback.
  15. Last night I saw a movie on AXN channel called Megiddo: The Omega Code 2. It was unbelievably bad, terrible acting, everything about it --- so bad I just had to see it through to the end. Some kind of Omen-like anti-christ bullshit with a crap plot no scares. Oh my, it was bad. It's doing the rounds on AXN so check it out!!
  16. How much did some of you have as a student loan. Mine wasn't much, a couple of thou.
  17. Bush as a hero. That is hard to imagine.
  18. OK thanks. But what about stuff like wooden flooring getting marks on it, a bit of wood on the windows starting to rot and shit like that? Is that "covered"? Who decides what?
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