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Everything posted by amandanism

  1. Quote: Originally posted by rach: What a horrendous thread. Ewwww. i concur!
  2. Quote: Originally posted by rach: Not keen on that. Whats the foreign-go thing at the beginning? 1,2,3...14! not keen either.
  3. shihad rock. and shihad is a way cooler name
  4. Created in the 17th century by the playwright Colley Cibber, who based it on Latin amanda meaning "lovable".
  5. final straw - snow patrol. saw them tonight and it was fantastic.
  6. i like cords too. i have chocolate brown ones and the camel ones you are talking about. good for cold toronto winters.
  7. pretty crap summer here in toronto too. only had a few days over 30 degrees.
  8. some days you can go to Blue Jays games for a toonie! might go to the yankee vs jays game this weekend for 9 bucks. baseball on tv is boring as.
  9. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: When I learned to drive, the Highway Code still had little drawings of what to do if for any reason your indicators didn't work. You had to extend your right arm out of the driver's side window for turning right, or wave your left arm around inside the car for turning left. People driving behind you were supposed to pay careful attention to what you were doing inside your car. its still like that in canada. the drivers handbooks have the hand actions. except they drive on the other side of the road so its straight out for left and bent at the elbow f
  10. im disgusted that here in canada it isnt illegal to drive while talking on a cellphone.
  11. going to hit up the snowboard expo in toronto in october. not really looking for anything in particular. but going by last years "im not looking for anything" i predict i wont be going home empty handed.
  12. ive probably mentioned these two before but oh well, hawksley workman (wild voice, sort of operatic) and broken social scene (cant plug these guys enough)
  13. quick food: falafel in a pita with tzatiki and cucumbers. more expensive food: atlantic lobster or a bucket of mussels
  14. Prince edward island, canada. im not kidding. bus loads of them get off to go see Anne of Green Gables. ...probably not "fashionable" though.
  15. i think its more the fact that ive been arriving from certain places rather than what i look like. not a shady character, honest.
  16. dig internet radio. http://www.abc.net.au/dig/ good mix of everything.
  17. my parents have a nifty thermometer from australian geographic which sits in the den in our house in tokyo, the hottest its ever recorded the room getting is 47 degrees. the coldest -1. that is quite the shift in temps.
  18. canadian customs is really the worst of the bunch (what ive experienced.) they are terribly rude and you always leave with a poor taste in your mouth. if its not you getting interrogated its standing in lines watching people who are. i always enter on my canadian passport to avoid interrogation, but it rarely works. and i get the usual "what are you doing here, how long are you staying/who are you staying with, where do you live, where are you going, what does your father do, why does he live in japan, what does your mother do" some of these questions are pretty innocent but completely unneces
  19. i can handle anything up to the mid-30's during the day as long as it cools off at night. which during the summer time is unlikely.
  20. was meant to see it yesterday, but it was sold out. Still want to see it though. Ive heard that M.Night Shymalans (sp?) movie formula is getting a bit predictable. Instead I saw The Manchurian Candidate. Which I thought was mediocre, but many others thought was good. I had a headache to start with though, so that might have contributed.
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