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Yuki's Passion

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Yuki's Passion

  1. white-void, maybe we should come back here too, unregistered of course, and put down our hometowns! My most recent hometown is HOT'lanta, Jo-Ja, as all those southerners would say...
  2. Got an email from a mate back home and he said that pot has been decriminalized in Canada. Anybody know that for a fact? Always heard that for the most part people turn a blind eye to it there just because there are so many other things that are worse out there... in my opinion, beer and cigarettes. This is a wonderful time of year. The weather cools down, the Fall leaves will be here soon, and its time to harvest And, as far as the two Japanese getting busted for smoking a joint in a car, hopefully they wont go to jail... such a shame for just a toke, eh?
  3. Ian "CRASH", Sweet article mate, youre making your fellow Hiroshima boyz proud! Every time we'd dive into one of our local Izakayas, bars, or nampa epidodes the stories and the banter that you and everybody else shared was always priceless. The only thing I wish I could do for everybody who knows you, both back here and on this Forum, is to get a copy of the Hokkaido video with G, T, B, K, and you. If everybody here could only see that once, it would be worth a million dollars!!! Especially, the candle mate.................the candle.........
  4. Danz, Me, Id be up at Niseko. Havent been up there that early before so I dont know how the base will be but thats just where Id be looking for pow.
  5. NoFakie, Thats a great CD,Breaks'n'Bossa 5. I would say some of my favs are: Modaji, Phil Asher, K&D, UFO, too bad they split up although Toshio Matsuura is doing his solo thing which still makes me happy. Outcaste, The First 5 years and Too Untouchable are really worth checking out if you like a middle eastern flavor to this style music. Kinda like Ryukyu Underground which put out an Okinawa-flavor CD. Anything by the above mentioned are worth getting. Cheers mate.
  6. Dittos to Mogski This years goal?? Quit my job. Move anywhere up north. Become a ski bum and have freshies everyday from mid December through the end of March. Until then, I wont be satisfied.....
  7. Echineko, Youll definitly get 5 stars from me just cuz your name. Sono namae wo mirutabini buchi waruikoto wo kangaezunyaoren yo!! LOL.
  8. My favorite ice cream is Haagen Daaz, too... but for 100 yen those Super cups are goooood!! Ive had that grape ice cream up in Kyoto and Kawaguchi Ko near Mt. Fuji last winter. That was sooo delicious. And, I wanna say maybe in Matsuyama also??? Does anybody remember that Ji Beru place right next to Dogo onsen - I seem to remember stumbling outta there once and found a grape soft cream there.
  9. Does anybody else here love Japanese ice cream? Kind of a random topic... but those 100yen super cups are soooo good. Especially the mint chocolate chip. Definitly my fav!! Ummmm
  10. NoFakie, Cheers for the info mate. Saw the same info on composts web site. Do you know about how to get advance tixs? Or is it day of the show only? Dont live in Tokyo so any info you give is really appreciated. I just got Gilles Petersons new CD, GP 02 and its not bad. I prefered Phil Ashers PA 01 better though. You get Kyotos new release? Pretty nice. I agree, the new Jazzanova isnt so hot and opted to skip their show down here. Are you planning on going to the show? Cheers.
  11. Talisker, We'll just have to build a kicker that day and bring the digital mate. I really hope its a windy day!
  12. Ocean 11, Yeah, read it myself, errr though it was in Japanese - but the article said that they were no longer going to be in business and supposedly went bankrupt. Dont quote me on this but I think I remember reading it sometime after the new year maybe like Feb or so. One funny thing that I remember was that they said, "Dont worry, theres still plenty of stock." Whatever that means... I think they had too much beer in stock and couldnt or wernt selling enough to break even. Too bad, a really nice beer. Maybe after theyre all gone Ill have to go to another extreme and buy Koshino
  13. Beer - beer is so good. I would have to say probably my favorite beer is Sammy Smiths Oatmeal Stout. Damn thats just a meal. But, more than a good beer I would say that a good beer for me is the banter with my mates so we could be driking Sapporo, Asahi, or Ichiban and it would still taste great. Yogi: come on mate, there are probably more microbrews in the states than there are English teachers in Japan. Fav Japanese: Ginga Kogen (white) is great, too bad the company went bankrupt and closed...
  14. Anyone here know about Kyoto Jazz Massive, Jazzanova and Ruby Trio coming on November 8th?? Anybody going? Im already in the process of buying my plane tixs!!
  15. I guess Ill just have to rub it in then that next Monday and Tuesday are holidays for me!! Gotta love those 4 day weekends......
  16. Mogski, At work teaching my Kinki students. Luckily, I only have 2 classes today... and next week Monday and Tuesday are holidays, yahhoooooo! Any recommendations on some midfats?? Hopefully, Ill be able to ski some mad pow this year!!!!
  17. I dont think he has been playing at the top of his game... not that I really care though. The one thing I will say about Beckham and the media in Japan is that he's more played out than Morning Musume...
  18. Danz, Probably you cant get Oden at a combini cuz they would spoil too fast in the heat. Cant get any hot coffee in a vending machine either... [This message has been edited by Yuki's Passion (edited 17 September 2002).]
  19. I cant belive that the this is a hot topic on this thread... But, since its here, I almost fell outta my chair last night when a 40s-50s something gaijin walks in with a Japanese girl and a "camaro mullet." Whoa, freaked me out. Also found out a coworker of mine, her boyfriend, an ex-navy shipyard worker, also has a mullet. Could it be this is not just coincidence and this fad is coming back? Have you seen all the bosouzoku with mullets??? The Yankees just as bad.
  20. Japan is my home. If you asked me what Id like to have here it would be college football and ice hockey. I just miss my family and friends. Once you get into the culture here I dont understand how anybody could not have a wonderful time here - some of the most sincere people, great food, cool matsuri, sick skiing, the scenery, laidback lifestyle, my girlfriend, etc... Japan is a sweet place to live.
  21. One plank, two planks, red planks, whose planks, floating down the mountain I find peace... [This message has been edited by Yuki's Passion (edited 12 September 2002).]
  22. Is the world heading in the right direction? Cant say I think so. What happened was terrible, but I have to honestly say it was brought about by America's foreign policy. And, now Bush is using 9/11 as a way to reshape the country and start wars all over the world. He has combined different agencies into one, said youre either with us or against us, labeled certain countries "axis of evil," and now threatens to invade Iraq. I just read today that he is finally going to the U.N. to push his case, although its nothing more than a formality and would attack whether he has approval fro
  23. Fattys?? I got a few of em but dont think they're bars... Um, S&M shows? No thanks. When I get up there, as long as Yuki's Passion is there, it'll be sweet! Who is this rumormonger spreading all this crap? Sounds just like a US conspiracy if you ask me. Beware Fattys!!!
  24. Come on yall - How can you call this cool crisp weather we've been having hot? I think SMETLING is a better word....cant forget me sunnies. Now, if the Japanese could only learn what the word FLEXIBLE means...
  25. Danz, How was the True Peoples Celebration? Sounds like it wouldve been a sweet concert to check out - much better than those damn 15,000 yen Fuji Rock tixs, eh?? Guess I finally broke down after years of living here and made it up there - sure makes me wanna get up to Hakuba and Naeba this winter though after the summer travels mate! Saw the Black Crowes have a new live out, do you like them and have you listened to it yet?
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