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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by scoobydoo

  1. Wine, good one. And one too many scooby snacks.
  2. Expressways here are outrageous. They're not even mega-lane things, 2 lanes for the most part. Whats that?!
  3. This is one thing that took me quite a while to get used to and I'm still not really even after over a year. I think it's gross too. And I hate it when it is always a "topic" with Japanese around me - oh look scooby's feet are tooo big for the slippers ahahahahahahahahahahahhaha.
  4. I find it all quite funny actually, and hope he does a good job. I think he might surprise a lot of people.
  5. SWome place in northern Thailand (the name escapes me for now), in the middle of nowhere. Like being on another planet. I'll have to dig up that name...
  6. I have the same kind of problems and cant read the Japanese.....
  7. I've been here for about a year now and can safely say that gambarimasu wins this award. It drives me insane the way it is used so much - and I never know when it is actually meant or not.
  8. Is making it a habit though taking away some of the excitement?
  9. Those low backed excuses of sofas that some of my Japanese friends have are just so not comfortable. I've not yet seen a decent highbacked comfortable looking one.
  10. I try to study every day recently in an effort to blast off from my very basic level I'm stuck at. At least it's easier to actually pronounce than Thai.
  11. That gets me too. I'm usually the only one in a big rush it seems. As for walking, on the left seems right to me.
  12. Fox bit you on the head?! I had a relaxing weekend, some friends round on Saturday night.
  13. I know the feeling very well, been there more than a few times.....
  14. Reason, as the man said. Good to play about with.
  15. More here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3080778.stm
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