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Everything posted by curious-georgia

  1. How do the 7-11s in Japan compare to those in the US?
  2. Nice article there. As always, it seems nothing can be done right hey? Don't apologise, you get stick. Apologise, you get stick. Can't win. Good luck, anyhows
  3. Yes I think we know about peoples opinions, snobee, no need to point that out. Anyhows, I like country music!
  4. Heavy snow helps you build up your leg muscles though, and turn with more conviction..
  5. At least you're going back soon - some of us have never set foot in Japan.
  6. My friend told me about something called ikanoshiowara or something that was like the innards of a squid in some alkaline smelling pink sauce. Was he having me on? The other thread about natto is interesting, any other foods that are 'interesting' and 'challenging'?
  7. I'd love to be able to see and smell it
  8. There's some real far out food over there..
  9. Getting any cooler yet? They reckon the east coast of the US is gonna have a very cold and snowy winter. What about Japan?
  10. Off topic (again!), but curious as ever. If I were to be in Japan and have Japanese friends, study the language a few hours a day and generally do my best, how long d'ya reckon for me to get decent at the language - conversation style stuff. Please don't flame me with "it all depends...", I'm far too sensitive for that Just curious
  11. Saw it yesterday, it was hilarious stuff. Like someone else said, very funny opening - don't miss the beginning? Do they keep the original voices in movies in Japan so English speakers can watch them?
  12. I had some last night - and it's called tempura isn't it? Yummy. I'd love to try the real thing over there.
  13. tempure, I think you call it - like some deep fried vegetables - yummy
  14. My snowboard is kinda light compared to a few of my buddies and the one I learned on - and I like it that way and gotten used to it. Is a lighter board generally easier to handle, people find?
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