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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Good luck!! as mentioned before you could go to Daisetzuan kuro dake. There'll be snow there for sure... or you could go to Furano...dont know if there is enough snow there yet though.
  2. 2 years ago...Rode for the entire month of November in mostly great powder. I think Hakuba 47 actually opened on Oct 31st that year! we're gonna be waiting this year.....
  3. What about Kuro-dake in Daisetzuan.... That usually gets the first snow
  4. Its called ishii sport and they do have some general backcountry stuff but more for mountaineering and also some downhill ski stuff. They also have stores in downtown Nagoya and Tokyo, Ochanomizu. Best I've found is matsumoto-san's shop in Hakuba. Its a cave full of Backcountry goodies. Pretty much everything you would ever need. I forget the name of the turnoff but turn left at the signal 1 after the Hakuba 47 turnoff and go up the street for about 400 metres and its on your right...hope this helps
  5. Thats gonna be a pain in the arse! One of the good things about the 4 man quad at 47 was doing easy laps of the trees. s'gonna be a hassle unstrapping the board every run!
  6. Last year was a long season - started at the end of october. Also i was living in Hakuba and working in the evenings so I could snowboard all day every day. Could have had 130 days riding but i went to Thailand for two weeks over christmas.
  7. About 35 days this season. Not so many, but it was a great season all the same. Last season was my record with 115 days
  8. Anyone going up this weekend?? If so do u need a lift. Im going to Hakuba this evening and anyones welcome to join me in my van. I can pick u up in either Chiba or Shinjuku. Phone 080-1089-4725. Cheers
  9. Does anyone need a lift to Hakuba today?? Can pick up in Shinjuku...phone 080-1089-4725...either see u in my van or in the snow!!
  10. Hey toque That ridge between yari and hotaka is awesome eh. Did it last summer with my mate. I also climbed yari 3 years ago...in a bloody typhoon. The hike in from Kamikochi was so long and i ended up camping on the east ridge at about 2600m on an exposed little table top with cliffs on either side. The typhoon came in and I spent the whole sleepless night hanging onto a rock with one hand and driving in a tent peg with the other to prevent the tent and me from taking a magic carpet ride into the valley to the north!! Maybe the mountain gods dont like u climbing Yari. Agree with
  11. Oh yeah, and its looks like the central Nagano resorts will get a dump today (monday).check this out http://www.snow-forecast.com/maps/japansnow12.php hopefully 25cm. Maybe more if we are lucky. Gonna try out Kurumayama tomorrow and then head up to Hakuba and ride some park.
  12. Hoi Maybe its spring again but take a look at the MRF map. Looks like there might be two more winter storms. One on the 27th and one on the 30th.....you never know...it could still dump! http://weather.unisys.com/mrf/9panel/mrf_500p_9panel_easia.html
  13. Seem to remember a week of good dumping powder in mid-march last year
  14. No way! Taking a breather from boarding for the first weekend since the start of the seaon coz its too warm. But the seaons only half way through! Theres still tons of powder to come!
  15. It happens every year in spring. Its a bummer to clean off you`re car (Not that I ever clean my car, but if you did it would be!)
  16. Same as Fattwins!! Hakuba was epic on Sunday. There must have been 60cm-70cm of snow from Saturday night through sunday and it was pretty light too, especially by Sunday afternoon. By Monday all our tracks had gone and it was freshies again although the snow wasn`t as deep as Sunday and it started getting heavier later in the day at the bottom. Whats this about sh*te conditions elsewhere!?!?!?
  17. Hakuba was ridiculously good!! Took a sickie on thursday and friday and both days were epic with bottomless dry light powder. The most epic was Saturday though. . . Sooooo deep!!! I was choking on the powder and I'm on a board. My skiing mates were up to their necks in it.
  18. I'm in Chiba too. Going up today (friday) if you need a lift.
  19. Ho Ho Ho 40cm of fresh in the village at Hakuba!!! The weekend is gonna be good!
  20. oh yeah and I'll be going to Hakuba every weekend from Friday to Monday till the end of the season so if anyone needs a lift...
  21. Hey Bro, I'll be leaving on Friday evening/night from Chiba (but heading through Tokyo) so you're welcome to hop aboard my van. Give me a phone on 080-1089-4725. If anyone else wants a lift too let me know. Cannot wait to hit the powder!!
  22. Looks like its going to unleash Friday, Saturday. First proper dump of the season maybe...Going to Thailand on Saturday morning so I'm gonna miss it (boo hoo) but can't complain too much.
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