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Everything posted by nagoid

  1. 2 million vs 750000 - you'd think a more accurate number might appear
  2. I can't believe they are having to defend themselves for giving stuff away! Can you believe that? Week in week out this place is throwing out holidays, tickets, goggles... Give us a break, will you? And if it's not a complaint you have, why don't you email them instead of asking "in public"?
  3. I used to until today, huge wipeout on the hills, big hurt, crushed sunnies. I wish I could see it on video though, would have looked very spectacular I reckon
  4. Huge wipeout at Madarao today. Ouch ouch ouch. Nice place, Madarao/Tangram - not the biggest of places but worth a visit. Ouch
  5. Season only really just got goi9ng ,but how about awardz for best place pre-New Year this season? Mine goes to Hakluba 47 and Nozowa. Anybodie else?
  6. I'm really !"$%#$% drunk right now, anyone ever seem drink persion on hills causing problen at alll?
  7. I always hear of quite a few incidents like this here in NAgano.
  8. Sure did, but I'd like to forget that as much as possible...
  9. Don't Nippon Cable have something/a lot to do with it all?
  10. I was going to, but a bad cold is coming on, cough cough. Feel like hell. Anyone got any medicine?
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