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Everything posted by IIIII

  1. What is that theme song? I'm sure I recognise it from somewhere.
  2. I did remember correctly http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=000095 That reminds me, I must make the effort myself to take a digicam out there.
  3. Those pics'll fit on your insider pages. They can be up to 100KB now if I remember correctly.
  4. I spent a few hours in a famiresu this afternoon, having to repeatedly listen to all the santa songs. (Not Cliff, alas). Anyway, I was looking at those stoopid screen "interactive" display things that are on half of the tables. Has anyone EVER seen ANYONE using one of them damned things? I've never seen anyone touch the things....
  5. Next? Give him back his passport so he can go to the UK to earn money. Then get off.
  6. I thought it was ok. Nothing more.
  7. Shes the one JohnJohn - a few years back that was.
  8. Siren, do you have Video Music Channel or MTV? It's on there most days. Shes gone for a (crappy) blonde look. Why oh why oh why?
  9. Coz I'm a Sir now, I am going to be doing all my good deeds with charity and things like that all Christmas.
  10. I like Jingle Bells. Has the makings of a classic.
  11. Do they sell it with a shaving kit and mouth examining stick (I'm sure one of them has a name)
  12. Chains will be cheaper. (Do some places not allow chains on the roads? Not sure) Which resorts you planning on going to?
  13. Every now and again.... at least once a day
  14. Topic starter.... Who would get your vote for Best Sportsman? (Still thinking)
  15. People have called me Sir a lot, so I'm getting used to it.
  16. So no LOTR in this list then. I wonder if the Oscars will award be awarding it or ignoring it? --------------- National Board of Review Best Movies of 2003 "Mystic River" is the best film of 2003, according to the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. That film, directed by Clint Eastwood and based on the popular mystery novel by Dennis Lehane, stars Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, Laurence Fishburne, Marcia Gay Harden, and Laura Linney. Sean Penn was picked as the group's best actor of the year for "Mystic River" and "21 Grams." The National Board of Revi
  17. I havent heard from Puffy for a long time. Are they still together? Give us the latest, O11!
  18. Its not one of those new innovate "Scratch 'N' Sniff" set of skis is it?
  19. What % of the market does Apple actually have???
  20. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/shownow.php?town=Hakuba%20Now%21 (Can't get there for a bit myself, but pleasing to hear all the same)
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