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Everything posted by barok

  1. So here`s what you need - your favorite kind of bread - mine is the fat french baguette - you can cut in half and have two sandwiches - just think! you`ll also need some leaf lettuce a tomato, an avocado, age tofu - you know that puffy fried yellow tofu that doesn`t quite look like tofu. Japanese folks put it in udon or ramen sometimes, or they cut it up and put it in miso soup. you `ll also need yakiniku sauce - the spicier the better I say. salad dressing and onion are optional. So you are making a sandwich. 1) slice the tomatoes and onions into 3 and 1 thin slices, respectively
  2. yeah they can do that green fluorescent protein thing with any animal these days - I would love to glow fluorescent green under UV radiation - people would think I was the toxic avenger or some other such mutant, nuclear wastoid super-hero. chicks would dig me.
  3. I get a kick out of the attitude that Japan`s economy, or any economy is just going to somehow right itself. the plane needs fixing, then it can get righted, it`s not just a matter of time, folks!
  4. I`m totally the opposite - don`t sleep, get loaded, and keep drinking on the plane. but that never works, as I always feel like crap by the time I have reached my destination, maybe I am doing something wrong.
  5. dream job is a well paid mattress tester. . . . . . oh the possibilities
  6. I disagree MistaSparkle with your impression of the sound of Japanese girls - they speak in very low voices I find - very masculine, and lots of whining as well, which I can`t stand. But hey, I don`t want to harp. Where were you last weekend ? I was in Tokyo looking to have some fun, I emailed you - What gives ?
  7. I just wish it would go one way or the other. Take some pride in your language, or learn a new one is what I say. When I talk to English speaking Japanese folks, or any one for that matter, I don`t speak like "I ikimashta`ed to the onsen last shumatsu but it was too atsukatta, so I just kaemashta`ed" screwing up the pronunciation all along the way. Why ? Even if I am understood I sound like an idiot, and because my language has become a complete bastardation of one language or the other - it is soo totally chuto hampa. With regards to Japanese, I think they would do thems
  8. So the irony doesn`t escape me as I look out the window and it is raining now. But I gotta say, that so far, I am not impressed by the heat of the Japanese summer, or by the rain of the rainy season. I`m not complaining, I mean who likes rain or oppressive heat all the time, but before I came to Japan, and all throughout the winter months, all I heard was rainy season this or crazy summer heat that. It rains maybe 2 or 3 times a week, and usually rains hard only once. Last night it was cold. I went to bed with a sweatshirt on. Everybody I have been asking about this for
  9. A glass that is half full is also half empty. half full = half empty optomist vs. pessimist The explanation goes: If a person sees a glass and says that glass is half full, you can bet he or she is an optomistic (positive) person, because he/she is focusing on the positive aspects of the glass. If a person sees a glass and says that glass is half empty, you can bet he or she is a negative person, because he/she is focusing on the negative aspect of the glass. or maybe the person who made this up was half in the bag, since I never talk about half empty/full glasses of any
  10. I love studying Japanese, I think it is endlessly interesting, and I love speaking it, and talking to Japanese people. I will continue to study Japanese even after I return to the States, but really I think it sounds terrible, at least in some situations all the "soo na no ?, soo desu ne, yoroshiku onegaishimaaaaaaaaasu" it is really grating on the ears. I can`t help it, I just don`t like the sound of it. I love the way that French sounds, and I studied French for 6 years, and hated it. it is not a very interesting language to study. can`t really say why. I really like the wa
  11. yeah they are great, makes seperating with yer lagger friends guilt free - "breaker breaker, where you at, ---- okay, we`re going to hit this kicker a few more times until you get done at the restaurant, over" I sent them to myself here in Japan in a box, which like every other box I have sent to myself, was opened by the Feds. they got through.
  12. In American Football, receivers run blind routes - straight ahead for 10 yards, then to one side looking back at the quarterback for the pass. This leaves them exposed to and unexpecting the hits that come from behind. A fair number of head injuries came as a result of these blind routes in the early days of American Football, so the players were given helmets. Pads protect vital areas, but actually allow the players to hit the other players much harder than what you see in other sports - just compare a tape of American Football`s greatest hits with Rugby or any other sport (Including
  13. Yep, When you start running, the number of mitochondria in your muscle cells begins to increase. when you train with a variety of speeds, distances and routes (hills, stairs) and focus on builing. The number of mitochondria in your muscle cells continues to increase. If you stop, and maintain the same distance, speed, etc. Your muscles recognize this, and seeing as your body doesn`t want to use any more energy than it has to, and seeing as using energy is exactly what mitochondria do, your body will get rid of as many mitochondria as it can, leaving you with just enough
  14. db`s right, I`m a low-down dirty rotten fish killer. When I came to Japan, I had this idea that fish was everywhere and unavoidable. I also had this notion that because most of it was ocean fish, that it was cleaner than the lake fish that is back home. Nowadays I`m not so sure about both of my earlier ideas. Seems Japanese people eat more meat than fish, and it also seems that the oceans are just as dirty as the lakes. I don`t mind the killing of animals for food. I see it as the natural course of things. I do object to keeping animals in tiny, smelly cages or pens for mo
  15. I don`t eat meat, dairy, eggs, chicken, fish, none of it. Admittedly I have relaxed a bit here in Japan, seeing as I can`t read product labels, and it would be very difficult to follow this diet at restaurants. When I can find them, I buy cosmetics from companies that don`t test on animals. Hard to do here in Japan for the same reason as above. Hate bullfighting, rodeo, and and all of that crap. Yeah yeah, humans have the ability to dominate and kill animals, get over it. Animal rights is one of the few causes in this world that I still believe is worthy of participating in.
  16. I think that running everyday is too much. I never ran cross country, but I have studied the cycle systems that marathon runners use and generally they go 2 days on, 1 day off, then 2 days on then 2 days off. 4 days a week total. They also increase their distance every week for 6 weeks then roll back down to the 4 week point, and then work back up. This kind of training will get you in great shape fast, and you can build without overtraining. a typical cycle set up looks something like this. week 1 - 3 mi, 4 mi, 4 mi, 3 mi week 2 - 4 mi, 5 mi, 5 mi, 4 mi week 3 - 4 mi, 6 m
  17. I have this thing that looks like a snowboard sitting in my apartment, it is really just a bastardization of spare parts that I have left over from stuff that didn`t break this season. One never summer premier, with no effective edge, and a chewed up base, one ride jeff brushie binding, and one burton c14 binding - all of this gear has seen brighter days. On the plus side - I am the proud new owner of an option kevin sansalone, myself. ebay $265 US - a steal of a deal. Also looking to get boots, bindings and the rest of my stuff from ebay, as I can usually save 40% and with the messed-u
  18. been at -40 in Wisconsin, I only remember it becuase -40 is the same Farenheight and Celcius. The water pipes under our street froze and broke. There were guys out there all day trying to fix them - I felt so sorry for those guys - working with water in the blistering blistering cold.
  19. Important to keep in mind that although it does get tracked out super fast - there are way more off-piste and backcountry options - buy the gear, find the snowmobile crew and have a blast. I will show you a few kickass spots.
  20. I can`t believe I missed this one, still time, I guess. To address the evolutionary biological issues - some of you have it backwards. The selfish gene theory, still popular today turns the tables on living things and their genes, stating that we are merely vehicles that our genes use to replicate themselves. According to this idea, and in this case it holds up, it would be the people who are having children, or who want to have children, who make personal sacrifices to ensure the propagation of their genes, who are the most selfish of us all. Some scientists questioned the s
  21. I can`t believe I missed this one, still time, I guess. To address the evolutionary biological issues - some of you have it backwards. The selfish gene theory, still popular today turns the tables on living things and their genes, stating that we are merely vehicles that our genes use to replicate themselves. According to this idea, and in this case it holds up, it would be the people who are having children, or who want to have children, who make personal sacrifices to ensure the propagation of their genes, who are the most selfish of us all. Some scientists questioned the s
  22. Yo, I will be out west this winter to check out the mountains, probably stay for a month total, but most of that time will be spent at Whislter or Big White, but I am way eager to check out Stevens & Baker. Glad you made it home aaaiight, and good luck with whatevaaah. . .
  23. Takayama is a spa town, there are lots of Japanese tourists from all over that go to Takayama to get away from the cities (usually Nagoya). I have never been, but it is definately a hotspot, and yeah, it has the old culture, which will make your tenure here enjoyable. If Takasu/Dynaland is really only an hour away, you would be a fool not to buy a car, and go there as often as possible - Fattwins will show you the backcountry cornice, which is kicker heaven. Buy a car, shaken it if it isn`t already shakened , but you will need someone who speaks japanese and has patience and time to hel
  24. been going 3 times a week lately, and running every other day - I am soooo super out of shape right now, and there is only one way. It`s strange to me that the snowboarding season always leaves me in pitiful shape.
  25. Well there is a lawsuit almost every time you have a traffic accident. I have sued and been sued. I think it is routine here in Japan as well. But the frivolous lawsuits are out of hand for sure. And traffic accidents fall within those ranks as well some times.
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